Economic importance of Agathis plant

in #plants4 days ago

Many beautiful plants deserve attention, yet stay unknown. Agathis is one such plant. It is not a household name. But, it deserves a closer look.


Agathis gets its name from its English and Latin names. It is a tree in the Araucariaceae family. Its beauty is drawing more interest. Not every type is good for indoor spaces. It grows very slowly.

About 20 kinds of agathis exist. Experts still debate the exact types. This plant keeps its leaves all year. It can grow to 70 meters tall.


The tree appears stylish anywhere it grows. Plant it in large, open spaces. This shows off its strength and beauty. Winter gardens are great places for this plant. Growing it indoors is not an option.

Agathis wood serves many purposes. It is used to build boats and small ships. More often, it becomes furniture. It is also used for construction. Some types create copal. Copal is a hard resin without oils. Knots are rare when working with the wood.