Aralia cordata : Valuable addition to any garden
Aralia cordata, also called heartleaf aralia, is a tall shrub. It can grow up to 1.25 meters tall. This plant has a simple, unbranched trunk. The trunk is almost bare from the start of its growth.
The leaves are large. They can be up to 20 cm long and 12 cm wide. These leaves have a complex shape. The blades look oblong-ovate. Their base is rounded, truncated, or heart-shaped. The leaves narrow to a point at the top. They are dark green on top. The undersides are a lighter green. Long petioles support the leaves. This adds to the plant's beauty.
The root system is a thick, fleshy root. It has an aromatic smell. People find this smell pleasant and distinct.
The plant's flowers grow in terminal panicles. These are 45 to 55 cm long. The flowers themselves are small. The fruits are also small and black. They are 3 to 4 mm in diameter.
This species grows in Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. It is also found in Japan, eastern China, Korea, and Taiwan. These regions have climates that suit the plant's needs.
Aralia blooms from July to September. Small flowers appear in showy inflorescences. Fruiting begins in September, after flowering.
Heartleaf aralia needs certain conditions to grow well. It likes partly shaded places. The soil should be fertile and well-drained. It needs moderate moisture and good permeability. Be careful when watering. The plant does not like too much water. Avoid stagnant water.
Fertilizer is important for aralia. Use fertilizer once in early spring. Fertilize twice during budding. Liquid fertilizers work best. They help the plant absorb nutrients.
The plant does not usually need pruning. It also does not require preventive treatment for pests or diseases. This makes it easy to care for.
Aralia cordata has economic value. In Japan, people eat its roots. They also use them for medicine. On Sakhalin, young shoots are called udo. These are used in Korean cooking.
In gardens, this plant is an attractive perennial. It can be planted alone or in groups. Its leaves and interesting inflorescences add beauty. This species enhances any garden or park.