Plagiarism - Sin or Win?

in #plagiarism7 years ago

How would you feel if you bore the pain of 9 months and the labour of childbirth and then someone shows up one day and claims to own your son?


That's what I feel now.
You know, sometimes it takes me months to come up with a beautiful Poem or Fiction . You should know where I'm headed by now.


Today, I was so angered when I stumbled upon more than 6 of my most finest pieces of art. Check the link attached to this post and you'll be amazed how wicked people can be.
Plagiarism is a sin, a grievous one at that!

" @willywealth ", that's what he calls himself. (In total, he has earned more than 50 dollars on my works).


I am Tobi Salami, @tobisalami on STEEMIT (I'm new here though) and tobi.tobesco.1 on facebook. I privatized my facebook page because @willywealth stole my works. I hope to reopen it when I've gotten to the root of this. Legally, I'm prepared to ensure that my intellectual property aren't ever stolen again.

What do you win when you steal something you didn't conceive? Sin!

@steemcleaners can you imagine this? What is to be done in view of the fact that posts cannot be deleted once made?
STEEM community, please let's fight to end plagiarism.