Steemit should divide the post reward in equal sizes for topics? leave your opinion.

in #pizzas8 years ago (edited)

Steemit should divide post reward in equal sizes between topics ( news , sport , cuisine , etc ... ) that would increase the quality and diversification of the platform.

note : I do not mastered the language Inglês because I am Brazilian and I am tired of seeing the same boring post talking about steemit will dominate the world. :)


No, some topics are and should be more popular than others. In my opinion it would be unfair to give the same amount to a very popular topic with lots of posts, and the same to an unpopular topic with barely any posts. Sure it would increase the amount of posts in those low-key topics, but it sure won't increase the quality.

Yes this is difficult. I think it would help the site have good content with fewer accounts to have rewards for each category . However locking them by category if there were lower demand would be unfair.

Compromise Awards are allocated by number of root posts In a heading. Something like steemit where everyone post would get the best rewards but the best post in each category would also get better rewards. The top politics post would do better than a middling steemit post even if it had fewer reads and votes but would never be as good as a top steemit post.

Splitting rewards by post category is a really good idea, and should be considered as a long term investment in the platform. You could think of this in two ways:

  • Offering a bounty in a particular category that you wanted to grow, so that Steemit can move away from the local minimum of having a front page full of posts about Steemit.
  • Subsidising initially unpopular categories so that they grow and become popular, as a long term-strategy that increases the overall value of the network. This is the same idea that supermarkets use when selling milk at a loss to draw customers in, and then making up the difference with other more profitable items.

I've started a series about using graph theory to grow the Steemit network that will discuss these ideas in more detail.

I was thinking he same thing. Although I think there is a balance between being everything to everyone and specializing.. The cryptocurrency news and thoughts here is very good. This will be go to place for crypto news if not already. It will be first and most in depth . But you can't go from there to celebrity news. You need to seed a few adjacent areas, where the participants will overlap. Maybe libertarian maybe technology maybe academic economics then try to draw in content with outsized rewards.

I would support that.

Если разделять по темам - не будет справедливо. Разные темы имеют разную популярность. Получится искусственное уравнивание, независимо от рейтинга темы. Справедливее было бы разделять вознаграждения по статусу - несправедливо, когда один голос Кита оценивается гораздо дороже голосов сотен пескарей.