Washingtonian saying Comet Pizza can sue people on Reddit, Voat, etc

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure if someone else posted this previously, but a Washingtonian article from Dec 9th says Comet Pizza can sue the conspiracy theorists for defamation. I think they would be hard pressed considering the public instagram pictures and other non family friendly facts about Comet Pizza. This obviously is a hit piece to scare all of us away from looking into this further. In my mind this a free speech issue. Unless I am in a crowded movie theater and yell fire, I am protected to speak out. Even more so because Alefantis is a public figure.


Could Comet Ping Pong sue the trolls behind the “Pizzagate” movement?

"After all, what the Northwest DC pizza shop and music venue has been subject certainly seems like to be a classic case of defamation: False and nonsensical accusations, with real-world consequences in terms that have included harassment against the owner and his employees, and culminated last Sunday when a gunman stalked through the restaurant and fired a few shots, later telling police he was there to “self-investigate” the conspiracy theory that has made Comet Ping Pong its target."

Again use a VPN when investigating PG. Also remember Congress recently passed a surveillance law that goes 5 deep.

"The new plan to drastically expand the government’s hacking and surveillance authorities is known formally as amendments to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, and the proposal would allow the government to hack a million computers or more with a single warrant. If Congress doesn’t pass legislation blocking this proposal, the new rules go into effect on December 1."

