For the Children

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Not even sure where to start with all of this- I've been so overwhelmed with the multitude of stories arising concerning the sexual abuse of children. Looking deeper into all of these stories, one finds that they stretch back for decades and in most cases, the abusers/perpetrators got off with either super light sentences or the whole story was swept under the rug, called hoaxes, the wild imaginings of children, or identified as "fake news", which is what is happening with the current case in America known as Pizzagate.

In most of the stories where no one was ever prosecuted, the accused were authority figures and people of power and prestige in their community or even their country. These include police officers, teachers, doctors and nurses, military personnel, priests, youth leaders, coaches, and people in all forms of government employment from CPS to the U.S. Armed Forced to the White House itself.

It seems that giving people power over ourselves, our children, our communities and our nation has bred corruption on every level. I'm getting the gist that giving away our power to others and allowing them to have authority that we ourselves do not have sets up the situation for abuse of said power and puts us in the position of no recourse when these authority figures are challenged and their institutions take part in cover-ups, effectively leaving the victims and families of the victims helpless and unable to put any faith in the so-called "justice system" or the authorities that they trusted with their children.

These children and families still have to deal with the effects of the abuse, which can range from self-hatred and depression to fear, disconnection and even split personalities in some extreme cases. How would you feel if someone in authority got away with raping your child or your niece, nephew, grandchild, etc? It's too heartbreaking and maddening for most of us to even consider, which I feel is a big part of the current issue. Child abuse is such a dark crime, hidden in the shadows. No one wants to think about it, much less talk about it or delve into research about it.

But that is precisely what is needed. The silence must be broken. People need to be held accountable for their actions, regardless of what positions of power and influence they hold, especially those who are in authority! If we don't keep them honest, who will? Sticking our heads in the sand and going on with our lives while doing nothing to stop these atrocities in my mind makes us complicit.

"Sexual abuse thrives on the fact that people are embarrassed about the topic, ashamed to talk about it, and they keep quiet about it," said Nancy Hogshead-Makar, Olympic gold medal swimmer and attorney concerning the sexual abuse that has come to light in the US Gymnastics case (see link below). This silence is what allows the abuse to continue.

It's easy to take a complacent stance on this issue, as it doesn't seem to directly affect our lives, but that is merely an illusion. On this planet where we are one human family, infinitely connected, the actions of one affect all. As stated by the great Native American Chief Seattle, "Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect."

This wisdom shows us that when children on our planet are being abused, it DOES affect us, and the entirety of humanity. It affects the vibration, the energy that we all exist within. It holds us back from living in the world of our dreams, a loving, abundant and peaceful world where childhood is considered sacred and is protected by all for the security of our planet's future. This is really just one aspect, one piece of the puzzle. We have lost our understanding of and value for the sacred in our society as a whole, but in my humble opinion, it all starts with the children. If we can get it right for them, we can create that beautiful world we all dream of. And they deserve it. They deserve our respect, our protection and our nurturing.

Please comment with any ideas. As of now I am choosing this platform to spread information and engage people in the fight against child abuse of any kind. Pray, meditate, and hold the vision for the Highest Good for all concerned. Be aware, be discerning and most importantly, LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN!

With Love for all,



It goes back to humanism. Rome, Catholic, universal, humanist. The fraud of the state, Operation Gladio. The reptilian brain, social dominance and sexual response, the predator class. No remedy without understanding, no understanding until you stop listening to the lies of the corporate whores, their politicians, reporters, priests, and lawyers. The common law is theistic and consistent with reason, true sovereignty is based on ideals, not mob rule.

Thanks for your comment.

A for Anarchy!