Git repos updated again + new pizzagate image compilations and coverage
View this post on Hive: Git repos updated again + new pizzagate image compilations and coverage
Neither Steem, Steemit or Steemit INC can be trusted. Research the #SteemHostileTakeover , and come join everyone else on #Hive .
Pretty solid summary!
For those that question whether "Pizzagate" needs to be pursued, I have one question: In your experience, have you done better playing dominos on cheese, or on pasta?
Excellent! I posted the Seaman video yesterday by itself...I wanted to get it on and seen in case it got taken down. This is really good...I've been working the Clinton/Laura Silsby angle for a while now. I came across it in e-mails from Huma & Cheryl Mills to HRC in 2010, while investigating the Clinton Foundation.
David is doing pretty well I hope he doesn't back off from the hate he's been getting. The more you look into the Haitian "anti" people smuggling "charities" the worse it looks.
It sure does...I think I might go back to researching that angle again. Somebody mentioned Monica Peterson and that needs more exposure along with the rest of the "Haitian connection." I've been focusing pretty much on the historical aspect of the child abductions (Queen Eliz. etc.)
I saw a couple of new vids from David, one was made after I posted. He seems more determined than ever, I'm more concerned for his safety than his backing off. We follow one another on Gab so I communicate with him some there.
I love WP that in their attempt to "debunk" the Monica Peterson / Haiti stories has been forced to give out a heap more information and draw more attention - PLUS show their bias again (They're owned by a major HRC donator)
Comments from here :
There's another journalist named Nancy Schaefer that was killed as well. I believe she was also a journalist. I'm going to start digging. There are enough people covering Ping Pong and doing a fine job. There's an excellent movie called The Clinton Cash that gets into their financial malfeasances. I'm going back to that and "follow the money."
The theory that the old underground trolley/streetcar system tunnels run underneath Comet Ping Pong is incorrect.
I found a map of the old underground streetcar network and the Connecticut Ave branch ended just south of the Smithsonian Zoo. Comparing the steetcar map to Google Maps, and using the measurement tool makes the old tunnel end 2.5 miles too short of Comet Ping-Pong.
1948 Steetcar Map
Also, I used to watch a lot of DIY and construction shows. IMHO, the work digging up the concrete floor is to repair/replace sewer lines. You can see the original concrete, the soil, the fresh gray aggregate to level/bed the pipes and the PVC pipes themselves. The hole dug against the wall is either a) a water seepage issue from outside where they intend to repair the moisture barrier. b) the foundation under the brick wall has cracked and needs underpinning to stop it getting any worse.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
New david seaman vid just looking at Obamas $65,000 "hotdog" party paid for by taxpapers..
This info was in my initial research dump a month ago but I'm not sure if its been forgotten in the noise ..