How to Leverage Pinterest to Grow Your Business

in #pinterest3 years ago

Making a Pinterest business account is a great method to drive traffic to your website.
Simply starting with a few boards that resonate with your brand and your area of expertise in business is sufficient to get you started. Build on those boards and share your pins as you go.

Whenever you blog, use an inspiring graphic to post your content to Pinterest. When a Pinterest user wants to learn more about you, they'll click the graphic and be taken to your website.
Consider the traffic you may generate to your:

online courses

If you have a graphical business and sell things, Pinterest is the ideal venue for swiftly increasing your bottom line.
If you have a physical product, Pinterest may be a powerful marketing tool.

Remember that you don't own the real estate on social media platforms, therefore always lead visitors from your social media accounts to your own website, where you have complete authority.Platforms for social media might alter or vanish entirely.Accounts are hacked and, in certain cases, blocked.So, don't rely exclusively on areas over which you have no control.Bring your visitors from social media to your website, where you have more control.

Getting More Views & Engagement
Research, Research, Research
When it comes to running an internet business, your best friend is research.
When conducting research, keep the following in mind:

  1. Look at trends
  2. Go on Pinterest and search for your keywords in the search bar
  3. Follow others who might, in turn, follow you.
  4. Look at other businesses in your industry and see what is working for them
  5. Look for what is missing from the above businesses and create a pin for that.
  6. Share others' pins to your boards.
  7. Create a schedule and set aside time to have fresh, new pins daily.
    These are just a few ideas to get you started.

Growing Your Audience with Pins
Pin a blog article, use Canva or Picmonkey to make a great image, and direct your visitor to your website.
Create related visual pins to draw in your target audience, who will then sign up for your free offerings.
If a visual pin is related, your target customer is more likely to want to study, see, and understand more about you and your company.
Grow your email list by including pins for each of your opt-ins
Be consistent and keep up the momentum. Pin daily to your boards
Keep your pins lean, clean, and simple
Feel free to invite someone to repin if they feel inspired

Keep an eye on your analytics to see which of your pins are the most popular.

Identify the next step in producing more of what your target audience wants and enjoys.
To get the best results, pin your most popular pins to numerous boards.
As your audience grows, you'll want to make absolutely sure your boards and pins are well-organized.

Structure Your Pinterest Boards to Get the Most Out of Them

Place your most popular pins at the top
Pay attention to the time of year.
Take notice of whatever season your local businesses (craft, hobby, furniture, home and garden) are gearing up for and join in on the customer requirements for that season when you go shopping.
Keep up with the latest fashion trends, but don't go overboard.
To test whether you can detect a trend before it happens, use your imagination, ingenuity, and originality.
Follow other pinners. Pin their pins to your boards

Understanding Analytics for Pinterest

It's a good idea to keep an eye on your Pinterest stats.
Your Pinterest analytics may show you who is buying from you, where they are from, what time of day they are checking in, and much more.
This information can assist you in determining which pins are most useful so that you can make more.

Examining your "top pin impressions" can provide you with useful information about which pins are now the most popular.
Once you have that data, go back to that blog post and double-check that your next level item is included.
"If you enjoy this recipe, here are the equipment (rolling pin, baking pan, etc.) you'll need to prepare it," for example.
If you don't have a next-level item of your own, you can affiliate with items made by other firms.

Analytics will show you whereabouts your target audience is located.
This information may be used to tailor your next product or sale in your genre to that group.
Pinterest Analytics allows you to see stats such as:

Your results by date, type, source
Your top pins and engagements
Link clicks
Watch time

These, and a variety of other types of data, can assist you in making educated judgments and streamlining your material for future reference.
Once you've gathered your stats, you can start including items or services that are relevant to other businesses into your pins as well as blog articles.

This opens up the door for affiliate commissions on items with which you can associate.
For example, if you make one-of-a-kind handmade blankets and include a note about matching pillows in your blog post, you may be able to connect with a firm that sells complementing pillows.

The analytics data also paves the way for collaboration with other businesses.
You can earn higher commission for each sale after you have a large following (also referred to as social proof).

Leveraging the Power of Hash Tags

If you're not familiar with the phrase "hash tag," it's a word or phrase preceded by the symbol (#).
Whenever you add a hashtag to Pinterest, other visitors may access the feed of any other relevant pins that use that hashtag.

Here are a few examples of how to use hash tags on Pinterest:
After you've finished writing your description and added your call-to-action, add your hashtag.
• Visitors may use the hashtag to search for material in certain categories (for example, #glutenfreerecipes).

•There has been considerable discussion over how many hashtags to use; best practise appears to recommend using two highly precise hashtags rather than more wide ones.

• A hashtag is another method of asserting your expertise; when you use a hashtag, you become connected with that area of knowledge as a go-to person in the industry
• Hashtags increase brand recognition
• Using hashtags helps you interact with other like-minded individuals
• Introduces you to folks who are looking for your services.
• Makes a connection you with company owners eager to collaborate
• Aids in the promotion of a current social media campaign

If you're gaining traction with your basic pins, sponsored advertisements would be the next step for you.
Pinterest, like other social media networks, has a bidding system.
Here are a few things to bear in mind while using Pinterest sponsored advertisements.
• Ensure you have a Business Account
• Verify your website
• Check your analytics for information and data - after you start pinning, ensure to check your analytics for demographic information This data is useful since it allows you to plan your future campaign based on the success of prior campaigns.

• Select a Campaign Objective — For example, "Traffic" or "Brand Awareness" are two of the most common campaign objectives. When you first start leveraging the potential of Pinterest, you must first create brand awareness.
Using Pinterest to drive visitors to your website can help you make more money.

• Incorporate keywords for increased power in your advertisements; study related keywords relevant to your target demographic in Pinterest's tool bar as well as Google's search engine. • Add eye-catching images and keyword-rich descriptions in your ads.

• Focus on particular targeted audiences; just as any other ad on other social media platforms, your goal is to help your intended audience find you so you can help them with your products or services.

As you'll see, leveraging Pinterest to develop your online company is simple.
It only requires some planning, a lot of study, and a desire to write on a regular basis.
