10 Facts That Will Destroy Your Worldview

in #picture9 years ago

1. How about this: When the last mammoth finally died, the Great Pyramids were already 1,000 years old.

2. Oh, and you’ve always pictured the pyramids out in the middle of the desert, haven’t you?

3. The entire surface area of Pluto would fit within the entire surface area of Russia with room to spare.

4. And while we’re on the subject, did you know that between when we first learned about Pluto in 1930 and today, the dwarf planet has not managed to completely circumnavigate the sun once?

5. Oh, and in case you’ve forgotten how small and insignificant we really are…here’s Earth compared with the sun.

6. But our little sun’s got nothing on VY Canis Major, one of the largest stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

7. In case you’ve ever wondered, here’s what a young person’s skull looks like with all the baby teeth still intact.

8. The Krusty Krab isn’t a treasure chest. It’s a crab trap. 

9. The Tyrannosaurus rex lived closer in time to humans than it did to the stegosaurus.

10. Plus, there is this revelation.

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