The Dirty Serve: Scoring Unethical Points in Pickleball

in #pickleballlast month (edited)

The Dirty Serve: Scoring Unethical Points in Pickleball

Courtesy of iStock

Pickleball is a game of skill, strategy, and sportsmanship, but every now and then, a little mischief finds its way onto the court. Enter the "dirty serve” which is when you score a point by serving the ball directly at an unsuspecting opponent. Some call it a smart tactic, others call it unsportsmanlike, and plenty of beginners do it completely by accident.

The First Time I Saw It

The first time I saw someone use this move, I was playing with one of the most competitive people I know …my mom haha. It doesn’t matter the game, she will always find every possible advantage she can use against her opponents. Normally, a serve goes to the opposite side of the court, bouncing once before being retured back. This time though, my mom hit the ball directly at the player opposite her, hitting the unsuspecting player directly in the chest. I had thought maybe this was a mistake, but the other team knew exactly what had just happened. After they frustratingly acknowledged the point, my mom looked at me with this devilish grin and I realized that pickleball wasn’t just about soft dinks and careful placement. There was a whole mental side to the game that begun to reveal itself to me.

How It Works

The idea is simple. Instead of serving the ball to an open spot on the diagonal side of the court, you aim directly at your opponent. If they’re standing too close to the service line or aren’t paying attention, they may not react in time, and you might just score an easy point.

Of course, subtlety is key. If you make it obvious that you’re targeting them, they’ll be ready for it. But if they’re adjusting their paddle, chatting with a partner, or just expecting a normal serve, you might be able to catch them off guard.

It doesn’t matter where you hit the player, as long as the ball hits their body before it bounces. If I do this move, it is usually only when the other team is crowding the service line, and I typically do not serve it as hard.

Is It Fair Play?

Pickleball is supposed to be a friendly game, and moves like this aren’t exactly in the spirit of sportsmanship. If you do it too often, people will start to notice, and not in a good way. No one wants to be known as "that guy" on the court. That being said, in a tight match, sometimes you need to mix things up. If you’re playing against a strong opponent, a well-timed surprise serve can shift the momentum in your favor. Just be prepared for whatever may come next.

The Risk of Payback

Using this move can change the entire energy of a game. If your opponent gets frustrated, they might suddenly start playing their absolute best, just to beat you. And if you try this against a friend or a spouse, well… let’s just say you might be making up for it long after the match is over. I once tried this move on my wife, and I can assure you that the risk of retribution extend off the court haha

Final Thoughts

Pickleball is about having fun, making friends, and getting better at the game. While serving at your opponent might get you a quick point, it’s a risky tactic that could backfire, both in the match and in your relationships with other players. So use it wisely, sparingly, and maybe have an apology ready just in case.
And if you accidentally do it to someone? Well, congrats! You’ve just discovered one of pickleball’s most controversial tricks. Welcome to the dark side 😈
