Explanation of how come sink holes are appearing around the world in a unprecedented number today

in #physics8 years ago



A very explanative video on how come so many sink holes are forming around the world. I have heard the sun is going through a dormant period. This video explains the effects of the sun's positive magnetic field upon the earth's negative crust and the earth's positive inner core magnetic fields. Due to the sun not being as active the negative core moves causing the ground to lift. Thus creating the sink holes and volcanic eruptions as magma is released in volcanoes around the globe this explanation makes so much logical sense. Also, I have read that all of the human and animal life on our planet have vibrational energy similar to the earth's energy field. Any wonder why we all feel something has changed when the sun no longer sends positive energy to the earth. No wonder the sun was worshipped back eons ago because they knew the importance of the sun for earth to function well. Including ourselves. We are all connected to the universal electromagnetic fields. Thinking beyond the physics of electromagnetism. Could this also explain why some people whom are negatively poled be running rampant today? We all know that there are people whom are heartless and cruel beyond what most of us positive loving and kind souled people would ever accept as being human.   


You might find this model interesting.

The helical model - our solar system is a vortex.

That video above would not allow text with it for some reason. Here is DJ Sadhu link to explain his theory on The helical model - our solar system is a vortex. You wont see this in public screwl. Clif High has a very interesting theory on the sink holes, rivers in the sky that just dump water in these flood areas recently. If he dont make you smarter, at least he`l entertain you.

Hi ricov, Interesting the above video you posted is something I had seen ages ago and forgot. I thought it to be a rather sensible explanation of our solar system as evidenced in nature. Thanks for the info.. I always like to listen to most views.. Universities are not the only ones whom know it all.. After all most universities are not as open thinkers as they like to make themselves out to be..

I think it might be because you didn't left enough space between the text and the video link. I suggest trying an additional ''Enter'' between both of them. I had the same problem once, that's what I did and it worked.

I love this vid. It's all Golden Mean, it's all energy, its all motion. The sun as a ball of fire... I think not. How about an energetic, electric resonance, El (Electricity) as in Elohim. GOD!