How to deal with it

The other day an influential rapper I enjoyed and looked up to died. Mac miller, XXX, etc. death is everywhere and as I look to social I see a lot of friends losing their selves in the sadness when they just need to cheer up at little.

I used to have to pull that shit out of the hardest places but as time has gone on I’ve gotten better and managing my demons and I’d like to share it as means to help those who also feel lost.

So suicide, drug usage, depression. In my mind they’re all under the umbrella of mental health but regardless who cares? Instead of letting which ever or whatever is get the best you, why not go listen to music change what you’re thinking about and give your best to someone else? It won’t cure you because that’s something you have figure out on your own but by keeping it real with yourself and upfront, you allow progresss and growth.

I was thinking about it and no matter what run through your head, you have complete control of the physical, of what YOU do, and what you actually accomplish. You don’t have to be the most successful or richest or even the most attractive, but go do what you want because shit if we’re to be suicidal again I’d spend my time doing dangerous fun stuff instead of safe sad boring stuff.

Overall, life is served how’s it served and you can eat or you can starve. I’m just trying to help you find your appetite 💎🌧💔B4A7B8D1-0DCB-4BBB-A9D4-99E53431DCDA.jpeg