Top 10 Tips for Travel Photography

in #phptography8 years ago

Document Your Travel Adventure With These Travel Photography Must Do’s

As you are  currently packing your bags and planning for your next adventure,  whether it’s that weekend trip to a new city, or a new country all  together, you’ll be thinking about what experience you’ll end up having.  Being able to document it for yourself to the best of your ability may  be very important to you, especially for when you share it with your  friends or family.

After studying  abroad in Florence, Italy for a semester, I fell in love with travel  photography. The chance to experience another culture and attempt to  highlight their way of life through photography was invigorating for me.  Every chance I had I was wandering the cobblestone streets of the  birthplace of the Renaissance looking for that next moment to capture.  Mind you, before boarding the plane to Italy, I had zero experience with  any camera. I started off the semester without having any real  understanding of exposure, ISO or any compositional values other than  what came naturally to me. I hope I can guide you with some basic  principles I’ve discovered since coming home from abroad with these Top  Ten Tips for Travel Photography.

1.Whatever Camera It Is, Get to Know It! - Whether  it’s your smartphone or that fancy new DSLR you have no idea how to use:  do your research! One thing I have learned is that the less time you  need to mess around with your gear, the better you’ll be able to capture  that great photo you were trying to get in the first place. The biggest  help I’ve received to understand all of the buttons and techniques for  my camera gear has come from Youtube tutorials online. You would be  surprised at the level of professional help you can get for free if you  simply dedicate some time to look for it.

Bluffs Fishing Pier at 5:26 am, Martha’s Vineyard, MA 

2.Get Up Early -  Let’s face it. Trial and error is a major part of photography. I have  come back from countless early mornings without a single decent photo.  Yet, when I am able to capture a stunning sunrise with everything coming  together it becomes entirely worth it.

3. Do Things Differently -  We’ve all seen the same boring photo of the Eiffel Tower or the  Colosseum. Try to get creative! One thing I always ask myself is, “Can  anyone take this photo?” Always keep in mind what elements are in your  composition; lighting, people, distracting objects, all of which can  take away from the moment in which you’re trying to capture. One thing I  have recently been experimenting with is reflections. Whether it’s a  puddle or a store window, try to capture some interesting places with  the help of tools at your disposal you would normally overlook

4.Get Lost -  Wandering around my host city of Florence was incredible. I would  always find myself outside instead of in my apartment in order to  discover new streets and hidden gems. Get lost, ask questions (even  though you may struggle with only your basic understanding of the  language) and most importantly, have fun. You only have a limited time  in whichever amazing place you’ve traveled to. Some of my best  photographs, whether abroad or back in the States, have been the result  of turning onto that random road I had never been down before. But of  course, use common sense. No need to wander down that dark alley at 2 in  the morning and have your valuables stolen from you.

Walking amongst locals, Florence, Italy 

5. Interact  - The  only way you will get better at taking photos is if you practice. One  thing I regretted not doing while abroad was interacting more with the  locals in an attempt to better learn their story. While asking if you  may take their portrait, be confident. This goes back to tip number one,  but be ready with your gear and try to do it quickly so you don’t take  up their time and make them uncomfortable. Incorporate details such as  the objects they carry with them or the environment they’re in to tell  their story more accurately. Many people have the fear of being  rejected. If the person says no, say “thank you” and move on.

6.You don’t need an expensive camera -  I have seen some fascinating images come from people who only shoot  with their smartphone. With social media apps such as Instagram, a fast  and easy way to share and become inspired is only a couple of taps away.  For editing photos on my iPhone, I like to use a couple of apps.  Snapseed and Enlight help bring out the details and establishes the feel  you may be going for. Other apps such as Sky Guide and Rise are great  for planning out where the light can be during certain times of the day  including where the sun rises and sets. For more advanced photographers,  these can help determine where the Milky Way is positioned in the sky  for phenomenal astro-photography.

7. Tell a Story With Your Photographs - Try  to switch things up a bit with your photography and never stick to the  same type of photos. If you’re using your social media platforms to tell  the story of your time abroad, try to incorporate all types of elements  into it. Portraits, landscapes and food photography help add depth to  your story telling and will allow you to practice in each field. Focus  on the most intriguing details in each and always keep an open mind to  constructive criticism.

8. Research Where You’re Going... to a Point - I  believe in balanced preparation. Before boarding that train to some  remote area, do some research on a number of things. Weather, cultural  no no’s, events happening in the area, etc. I rather be prepared for the  worst than not at all. At the same time, go with the flow. Missed  planes happen, luggage gets lost, annoying situations can arise from  anything. The best way to approach them is with an open mind. From a  photographer’s perspective, try to find the lesser known gems of a  location. As I said before, anyone can visit Paris and snap a photo of  the Eiffel Tower. By all means get the classic photo, but at the same  time try to find a unique way to make the place special to you by  photographing a situation you enjoyed, such as the journey getting there  or the cuisine of an incredible restaurant you went to.

Chop, Martha’s Vineyard, MA 

9. Be Patient -  Many photos you see are the result of great patience. Wait for the  chance to get that one person who walks through your landscape to allow  for a sense of scale. Your schedule may be filled with only quick  chances to take photographs since you have many sights to cover, but  early or afternoon light provides the best atmosphere for photos. Harsh  light in the middle of the day washes out minor details in your subject  whereas soft light can accent it properly.

One of my first photographs abroad, Piazza della Repubblica, Florence, Italy 

10.Put the Camera Down Every Now and Then -  Ironic, right? It’s one of the most important values in travel  photography. Yes, you are attempting to document your trip in the most  unique way possible, but I see people far too often take that  breathtaking photo, only to look at the result on the screen and  immediately walk away. Think about where you are. Take the time to  understand the depth of its importance for the culture around you. You  don’t get to see Michelangelo’s “David” in person every day, or  experience an authentic Italian meal in the hillsides of Tuscany very  often. Be sure to dedicate some time to value how fortunate you are to  experience such a place.

Our experiences  are shaped by the places we go, people we meet and everything along the  way. Travel photography to me is the culmination of all of those  wrapped in one. Documenting my travels provides me with a sense of  happiness, as well as some fond memories to look back on. Whatever your  goal is when you travel, enjoy it. And most importantly, never stop  exploring!

If you have any  questions regarding advanced methods of travel photography such as  technical settings as well as what gear I recommend, feel free to email  me at [email protected]. If you enjoyed this article, follow me  on Instagram @kevinrawalsh!

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These are great tips as I will be travelling to Jamaica on Friday, thanks for sharing! 😁😎🙏