Old programming languages that refuse to die - The story of an Elephpant

in #php7 years ago

If anyone would ever ask me - what is your favorite language? I should tell him - "Look fella, it depends". There are dozens if not hundreds of languages that we human beings speak on, for more or less. Those languages, sometimes evolving, others die as no one speaks them anymore. As much as it's sad - this is the reality.

My first touch of programming, might have been at the 5-th grade, while we were about to build a website, backed up with PHP 3, which for that period of time was on it's pick. That all began playing around with functions and trying to replicate all what I've ever done on the old damn C (at least, both the langs share a similar code base).

As for now, PHP has evolved to a complex language that refuses to die, you can do quite much using it, from simple websites to complex frameworks, great CMS systems like WordPress, neural networking, image processing, even games (back-end). Moreover, the jump from PHP 5.6 to 7 gave a boost up to 200%-350% in performance, nevertheless the furious forecast that was spread all over the Internet couple of years ago.

What do you think - does the Elephpant language has a future?



I would not worry about the death of PHP per se, if you read around, even Cobol is still in use.
You will be given plenty of notice before you need to refresh your skills :)

Agree, however it's a good practice to be aware of new technologies, just to be sure. PHP is good for what it does, anyway.

I thought you were going to talk about Basica or Fortran or old school stuff like that.

PHP will be around as long as their are webpages to be displayed.

Nope, I'm not familiar with those two unfortunately, these are too old-school (not that I'm saying anything bad about them).