
I will give you 100% of my up vote for more visibility if anybody else would love to comment

Oh Pleaseeeeee!!!! Stop with your "Religion BS Talk" please!
You got me really upset.

Guess what ! I believe even Buddha listens to some good techno.........I hope sooooo!

"We" all respect God , Allah, Buddah and The whole Universe more than you even can imagine.

I choose NOT to get into details and further discussions on my opinion with you but respect yours as such.

I lived in Bali and with Balinese culture (Religion included) for over 16 years! There is nothing but respect and love from my side!

I'm really sorry for told my direct opinion for to you @mammasitta. I was really confused after see this pic bcoz Im real Buddhist. Its ok mam. Now I understand better.

Think first and then again and again before you make religious judgements.

I value anybody’s opinion but again....please think first !!!!
Your governments are in control over your minds! Be careful!

How can an affiliation to Music be disrespectful for "Buddha"!???

I would love to ask the Daila Lama what he thinks?

@mammasitta, much appreciated your thinking. I must need to think again and again.

I think religion only divides people!
We need accept every one no matter what they belive... Unless what they believe is doing bad to the others...