Beautiful scenery on hill Lampanah

*Lampanah *
The beauty of this hill of Lampanah is one of the attractions of local tourists in Aceh at this time greatly increased, although this area has not many people who know with the beauty of nature on the hill along the street Lampanah - Lamteuba, recently banyan wasiatawan lokan visiting this area is only used as a praweding location and some also make this place as a selfi area for young mudi while enjoying the atmosphere of natural beauty that is still natural

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *

*Lampanah *