The charm of the Mysterious Flower - Pesona Bunga Misterius (ENG - IND)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


There are thousands of flowers with different varieties both of character and physical. All these flowers have high philosophical value. As in the picture you can see one of the types of flowers that radiate the natural beauty, from colors that change between morning, daylight. Unfortunately I do not know this type of flower, at first glance shaped like a sunflower, but the size of the diameter is small, ranging from 6 to 10 cm.


terdapat ribuan bunga dengan varietas yang berbeda baik dari ciri dan fisiknya. semua bunga tersebut mempunyai nilai filosofis yang tinggi. seperti pada gambar dapat anda lihat salah satu jenis bunga yang memancarkan keindahan alamiah, dari warna yang berubah antara pagi, siang hari. sayangnya saya tidak mengetahui jenis bunga ini, sekilas bentuknya seperti bunga matahari, namun ukuran diameternya kecil, berkisar antara 6 sampai 10 cm.


특성 및 물리적 모두 꽃의 다른 종류의 수천이있다. 모든 꽃은 높은 철학적 가치를 가지고있다. 그림과 같이 당신은 오후에, 아침의 색 변화로, 자연의 아름다움을 발산 꽃의 한 종류를 볼 수 있습니다. 불행하게도 나는 언뜻는 해바라기 모양에 관심이 종류를 알고 있지만하지 않는 6에서 10cm까지 작은 직경의 크기.






great post i like the 2nd photo

Beautiful pictures, I'm following you now. :)