Parents vs Peers

in #photography8 years ago

family bonds.jpg

Parents are the first people one comes when they are born and over the years we grow surround ourselves with people we come to know as peers.Parents and peers, although quite different at the same time quite similar. Parent act as a just like our peers.Parents also restrict us unlike our and yet again they both motivate us to take challenge.

Parents literally teach us everything we know that moment they embrace us, hold our tiny fingers, to take baby steps to that moment when they trust , let us go alone on a bike . They are our best friends, to whom we can confide in deepest fears,shame,our sadness and happiness. Peers similarly are people we come to know as we talk,meet.But they are very important part of our life. They become close to our hearts and influence us, support our friends.Sometimes there may be things we don't share with our parents but we share with our peers.

Since our parents wish our best interests, they act as our best guides. They restrict us from many activities we deem as 'cool' or 'hip', because the know the consequences of our actions as they have experience from their past. Our peers, on the other hand, influence us to break those rules, be it for the excitement of it or be it because they want our company. They often misguide us to paths we are warned not stroll on and even though, it varies from people to people we do get influenced by it to some extent.For example, a friend may ask us to take a cigarette, because it looks 'cool' but our parents will better guide us.

However, again, both encourage us to take risks we think are beyond our capabilities. They motivate us to challenge others and ourselves to achieve greater goals and be more accomplished.Though, their methods of approach may be different they still ensure we know that they are supportive of us and will help us all the way.

Both parents and peers, play a significant role in modelling and shaping us to reach greater height .On the other hand, contradict each other when one influence us to break the rules and the other restricts us. All in all,their presence is vital to our life.