Rock Climbing at Mount Borgeaux Cliff Face 📷
Had a pretty sweet day out on the rock a few weeks ago by climbing the sheer face cliffs at Mount Borgeaux, towering over the gondolar lift at Sunshine village ski resort parking lot in Banff National Park, Canada. I've seen this place in the winter before for snowboarding and even hiking in the area in the summer, but never even considering this enormous wall to be something for rock climbing. However, it was absolutely AWESOME!
So, here are some of my pics and panoramas from the day on the rocks. This first pic is looking back down the gully we are approaching the cliff at and just gaining some altitude. The hike in was actually really tough with 40 lbs of climbing gear and huge pack, as the hike was not really a hike at all, but a scramble. I've never scrambled with a 40lb pack, so it had its moments that is for sure!
I was really happy to be able to watch these 4 mountain goats on the approach in. They were at a distance and with the angle of the sun, I couldn't get a good picture of them, but they are such an awesome animal, I figured it was a sign of a great day, sharing the rocks with them!
The falls still had some ice at the top, and they were gushing pretty good, since well above the cliffs would still be piles of snow to melt on these hot days.
You can see some of the ice here still. This waterfall is pretty famous for ice climbing in the winter as well. I can totally see why, its an impressive wall.
This is a sample of some of the rock we climbed. We heading up a 4 rope multipitch and knew it would be quite a few hours in the ropes, since we are pretty slow doing multi-pitch climbs since you have to spend a good chuck of time building anchors, changing belay stations wtih your partner and of course, the lead climbs are pretty tough and tiring. I was able to do 2 lead climbs, a 5.9 and a 10b, and my climbing buddy led the 5.10a and 5.10c pitches.
Happy to make the 2nd belay station after the 2nd pitch, the hardest section, a 5.10c. This was my hardest outdoor climb yet, I'm sure glad I was on top rope for it as I couldn't have quite made it on lead, the nerves were freaking me out enough as it was! A great rush though!
The whole reason why multi pitches take time, is all the rope and anchor work to at each belay station. This pic is actually on the way down at once, so we have to build a rappel station, which is even more rope work, than climbing through to a second pitch for a lead climb.
I love this panorama, as it gives a decent representation of the scale since you can see the two climbings on the right side at at the second anchor. Pretty amazing views up here!
And to appreciate the real scale, a zoomed shot over to the other climbers. This small ledge was just enough to stand on at this second pitch's anchor point.
Here you can see the on the right side and center of the photo, our 4 pitch (100m / 300ft) wall we climbed. We left the ground before lunch and touched back down about nearly 5 hours later! WOW.
Even through the day, we noticed since it was so hot out, the water flowing at the end of the day was FAR more than in the morning. Obviously a lot of snow to melt still!
I loved the lighting on the hike out, since the sun had dropped quite a bit, casting its dramatic shadow on the walls.
Foot Skiing out on the snow saves some energy on the hike out, I know I can never resist the change to glissade or ski out from a hike point with snow like this. Unfortunately, there were rocks scattered in the snow, but luckily I stayed afoot!
From a distance this wall looks pretty incredible, but its hard to tell the scale.
So, I'd be happy to climb here again and try another multi-pitch, its a great view but one for a cooler day, since it is completely south facing and super hot in the summer.
I hope you enjoyed the photos, I sure did taking them! They were all taken just with my Sansumg S4 phone, as I didn't want to carry a larger camera up with me, but I was still able to capture the panoramas I always love so much!
Please follow if want to see future adventure photos I post and I'll love to hear your comments! Thanks!
These are some incredible pictures! I loved your work!
thanks firepower, great to hear!
Great photos! Do you have any bad experiences rock climbing? I feel like id get scared from being high up but love it at the same time

I wouldn't say bad experiences, but certainly some really scary moments and some scary falls as well. They come with lead climbing and are part of it, but also part of the rush. When you are climbing a few meters above your last protection point and fall, you have twice that distance to fall before the rope even starts to tension, so sometimes up to 10m fall and honestly, that can really scare the dickens out of you (I've never had quite that big of fall, but still some really scary ones.
I've had a few times when I get up to an anchor on a really hard climb and my mind is just numb from adrenaline, I have to hang there for 3-4 minutes to get some blood cooled down so my mind works again to thinking about how to safely build an anchor. That is my scariest moments as you are just hanging there, thinking "What the HELL do I do now?" and my mind is blank. Happens once each day to me, its weird, but thankfully I can stay calm, its never make me do anything stupid or panic. A fun scary if you know what I mean. Same with the height, its scary but exhillarating!
I totally understand that fun scary feeling! Thanks for the reply!
What an amazing climb, and a fabulous job documenting it. :D
Thank you so much for sharing!

Thanks creatr, appreciate the comment for sure, its great to be able to document these and enjoy the memories of the photos for many years! helps to keep my stories and adventures fresh in mind for the next weekend as well! haha. followed, love your username!!!!
Thank you, friend...
I must point out; I originally hoped to get @creator, but it was already taken...
The username @creatr was my next choice.
In both cases, the initial 'c' is intentionally lower-case - as I am not in competition with "The Big Guy," but I admire his handiwork (such as that spectacular rock face you climbed!) so greatly that I love to try and imitate his creative activities when and as I am able... :D
Oh I love this reply of yours, being humble to the fact that we cannot take ownership of nature. That privilege belongs to the One who created it all.
Oh thats cool. Ya, I hear you on leaving the big C for the real Creator, I certainly can respect and understand that one, as His creations in nature are certainly worthy!!!
Wow! Awesome!
Nice share :)
hey thanks so much pald, glad you liked it!
nice man a good moment in nature. perfect
Thanks for that, I totally agree with that comment. They day was FULL of great moments, I'll remember many for life I'm sure! Followed you!
Yes man i like your words. i will follow you i liked your content that's the power of steemit you can find things and people that share great great content.
totally agree with you dim, I don't always have the time I want to explore steemit anymore, but its certainly that which has kept me coming back, sharing and loving the interaction and comments with people. Some amazing things I've learned here, seen and had discussions on with some GREAT people. Steem on!
Yes man, thanks for share it
Oh my God, wait a minute, you climb all this high mountain. You really try. This is a kind of place that you will think clearly.good one.
Looks incredible! I wish I had the climbing knowledge to attempt something like that!
Hey, it has certainly taken a lot of time and practice to be able to. A great sport though for sure!
I can never climb this kind of cliff. Really appreciate for the sharing
oh nationalpark, thanks for hosting such awesome rocks and nature to enjoy. Oh wait, your username is nationalpark. Again, very cool! Thanks for the comment. Followed you and hope you try out rock climbing if you havn't, its a great sport.
Thank you very much. I tried it, and realized I am not good at it. Looking forward for more stories from you
That is a very nice mountain!
oh ya, it sure is. I'll be back sometime for sure!
Yes man i prefer your words. i'll follow you i liked your content that is the power of steemit you'll realize things and folks that share nice nice content.
Nice Country.
thanks so much, yes steemit is a great place to find some amazing things and people.