The Creative Tarot of Tximeleta- Sun/El tarot creativo de Tximeleta-El Sol

El Sol
In a beautiful and magnificent white horse that keeps its front legs raised, two infants ride under a sun whose face faces the sky.
Of the safety of the infants, he testifies not only his apparent unconcern but also the detail that they ride ‘bareback’, that is, without flanges.
En un hermoso y soberbio caballo blanco que mantiene alzadas sus patas delanteras, dos infantes cabalgan bajo un Sol cuyo rostro mira hacia el firmamento.
De la seguridad de los infantes, da testimonio no sólo su aparente despreocupación sino también el detalle de que cabalgan ‘a pelo’, es decir, sin bridas.
It would be said that both represent what C.G. Jung called as anima and animus, contrary but complementary, who seem to have parked their eternal differences to ride together in the same direction.
Diríase, que ambos representan aquello que C.G. Jung denominó como ánima y animus, contrarios pero complementarios, quienes parecen haber aparcado sus eternas diferencias para cabalgar juntos en la misma dirección.
The Sun, is a lucky letter, which not only tells us that we have emerged gracefully from the Angel's judgment and that we begin our journey with sufficient brilliance, illumination and balance to stand out from the rest and have all the possibilities to achieve all those goals that we set ourselves.
El Sol, es una carta afortunada, que no sólo nos indica que hemos salido airosos del juicio del Ángel y que comenzamos nuestro camino con la brillantez, la iluminación y el equilibrio suficientes como para destacar del resto y tener todas las posibilidades para conseguir alcanzar todas aquellas metas que nos propongamos
In this regard, there is a saying that what begins well, ends well.
A tal respecto, hay que un refrán que dice que lo que bien empieza, bien termina.

On steem, have crypto?
Self proclaimed community watchdogs are actually hacking and stalking people.
This group is ran by, They are hacking people that enter this discord server . Once you are hacked they profile you long enough to know all of your activities. They introduce workplace gangstalking visits and bring it to your attention cleverly and discretely so only you get it. They are very covert and tricky with everything they say and do in this server. Some claim to have worked for or are working with the FBI and the NSA. Mixed with decommissioned traders and coding criminals, Its a scary mix of creepy people and their intent is to drive you crazy and deplete everything you have ever acquired in life, even your freedom.
My hacking started with them introducing ransomware that has options, dump my coin or delete my system drive. They acknowledged this to me in the server as it happened.
This hacking and stalking is done so they can manipulate the target to pump and dump for them. Threatening and Making victims wear head phones, so nobody in your household can hear thier dramatization towards you. In 2017 this server was side marked as a drama show for entertainment purposes only as an excuse to say whatever they want all the way down to killing a politician. They have a server side command called "hey asshole" making a prompt come up instructing everyone to wear headphones. They want everyone wearing headphones so nobody in your vicinity can hear them mess with you. Fystikken says its because of "mic feedback" but once your a target you get exactly why they make everyone wear headphones.
With headphones on they subliminally direct victims with very low suggestive whispers mixed into their radio shows music. Combine this with them being able to manipulate their own individual outputs sound volume, which they control on the server side, they can pick what individual people hear at any given time. They decide who you hear on the server and change the volume controls for them. They can make some really low or off for those trying to investigate. They control who hears what and know who is who.
This team will find absolutely everything they can about you prior to using their suggestive and threatening program. They Introduce pictures that mean something only to the target, inducing paranoia while they watch and listen thru all of your circumvented devices. They are very aware of what makes you tick. They know your work schedule and use it for work stalking along side of this. I received multiple threatening letters to my work and home addressed to my screen name from this group.
Fyrstikken tells people they are drafted like they did with Facebook at the beginning. He says Facebook was started by forced labor and V2K controlled slaves, just like he creates with his gang for steem and crypto. "Get to work bitch" he tells people once circumvented and intimidated.
If your an agent Investigating them, guess what? Better start packing. You are circumvented. They are high tech, over funded and well connected.