Beautiful Corruptions: Pros & Cons of Hair dye

I do realize that this post is completely different from my previous posts which were mainly focused on traveling but...

I was looking through some of my old pictures on my phone the other day and seeing these pictures made me realize how lucky I was to still have hair on my head after all the coloring and bleaching I did throughout the years as you can see below.



  • Looks awesome
  • Looking to change something about yourself? New Year, New look feeling?
    or you are just bored? (Always in my case)
    Hair coloring changes your appearance instantly as you can see (Pic 4 - A BadAss to Pic 7 - Asian Barbie/Anime XD)


  • Extreme hair damage.
  • Coloring lasts for 3 months then your natural color grow and ruins it or the color fades too quickly.
  • You will have to cut your hair short at some point depending on how damage your hair is (Ex. Pic 9).
  • Sometimes you don't end up getting the color you wanted. (The 'Fml' incident)
  • Strangers will randomly stroke your head because they think you are wearing a wig (yes, that happened :D).

So the question is..are all the Pros worth the Cons?

I would love to know your thought on this ! Feel free leave me a comment :))


I love beautifully coloured hair. I like the violet shade best (top row, second from left).
My hair doesn't take dye well at all. I tried to henna it years ago, but the henna didn't even show in my hair. I tried to dye it jet black, but that didn't work. I used a dye made of natural ingredients for a while, but after a few weeks my hair started to break off at the ends. It's too brittle.

I'm glad you liked the post! and Yes sometimes hair coloring could be difficult and the ones that took so long to actually do usually fades quite quickly ( a few weeks like you said) especially with dye consist of natural ingredients.

a post that can inspire us beginners, thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much :))

Hello you, I would like to do your partner. We developed. I've been following you, did you?

Hi, now I am following :))