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RE: Sunrise before the rain / Sonnenaufgang vor dem Regen

in #photography5 years ago

I agree never any point in getting angry at nature she gives us such variety from gorgeous moments to dark and it is what it is

Today is a mix of rain and overcast hoping the rain clears by 11 as I have a ticket to go up the vessel at Hudson yards then the forecast yesterday was thunderstorms so I booked another ticket for in two weeks time so will play it by ear and see what the weather is doing and decide


Yes, you just need to open your eyes, and you will see something beautiful in nature, at least most of the times ;)

We have quite similar weather here - all is gray and it is raining.

Tomorrow is a holiday, May 1st is our Labor Day and we don't go to work.
What do you think - will Artur Day be a holiday too? LOL

Indeed there is always something to see and shoot if you keep your eyes and mind open :)
LaCour day used to be a holiday in NZ not sure if it still is but I think it was in October
And yes without a Doubt Artur day should indeed be a holiday, perhaps is such an auspicious event it should be a week long holiday

Of course, I have googled LaCour day - don't laugh :)))

Artur day - worldwide one week off - I would vote for it, yes I would :)

LMAO I did it again didn’t I, of course I did mean Labour Day used to be a holiday in NZ, I think almost every worker in the world would vote for a week long holiday whatever it was about :)

It's these typos, where I cannot tell, if it's a typo or if it's true, but therefore Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed Google, and Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger developed Wikipedia, if Wikipedia didn't tell wrong ;)

So, JJ, make your typos - I will try to not be fooled again ;) lol

LOL I will Try not to fool you again but I cannot guarantee it I am the King of Typos

After Artur and LaCour day - how can I ever believe you again :)))))

LOL Isn’t LaCour day that special day in I LeMans that day when they Lay out the course for the 24 Hour Car race?