Tips on Choosing a Healthy Cactus Flower.

in #photography6 years ago

The easy way to get a cactus is by buying in a nursery or cactus seller. There are various types of cactus on offer. Each cactus has different size and price. Often buyers have trouble choosing a quality cactus. This is because the type of cactus is diverse, both form and type.

The buyers can freely choose the type according to the needs. That's why the tips needed to buy this thorny plant. If you want to find the type of cactus for garden ornaments can choose the type of cactus cylindrical trunk so it looks towering, like Stenocereus thurberi or Carnegia gigantea. If for decoration in a pot, then buy a cactus ringed round, such as cactus of the genus Discocactus, Ferocactus, Mammillaria, or Rebutia.

Determine the type of interest.

In general, each type of cactus has different characteristics. It depends on the desire of the hobbyist who wants to collect it. There are three cactus classes, namely Periskieae, Opunteae, and Cereeae. Periskieae is characterized by single leaf, short stalk, and boned leaf. The shape of the shrubs was covered with thorns. For example Preskia weberiana.

Opunteae has the features of flat or round segments with many branches. The figures are so well suited to be planted in the corner of the garden. The whole bar was covered with thorns and fine hair. For example, Opuntia microdasys var.alba, O. microdasys monstrosus, O.tunicata, and O.vestita.

Tips on Choosing a Healthy Cactus Flower.Who is not happy to see the cactus flowers grow healthy. If treated properly, later cucumber spiked plants that will bloom pretty. However, it is useless if the plants purchased are of low quality. Once home, the cactus stricken rotten, then die "kapok", that is the first word thrown to see the plant.

Creeae is characterized not leafy, branched, segmented, round, elbow, or cylindrical. The trunk stood up. This type is much preferred because of its variety. No wonder if this plant is enjoyed by collectors because of the exclusive appearance. For example, Cephalacereus senilis or popularly known as old man cactus that has a soft and dense fur. Pin cactus (Mammillaria bocasana), spiral cactus (Mammillaria tolimensis0, or pagoda cactus (Gymnocalycium hossei) becomes another option.

The shape of the stem is indeed a cactus privilege. Some are round, like the genus Aricarpus, Acanthocalycium, Astrophytum, Rebutia, Coryphantha, or Discocactus. The shape of the round rods can be seen in the genus Echinocereus, Echinopsis, or Ferocactus. Cylindrical forms are found in the genus Espostoa, Lophocereus, Pachycereus, Pilsocereus, Stenocereus, or Stetsonia.

The size of the stem also varied, ranging from short to as high as 15 m. There are also many bush and branched cactus, but dwarf and shrubs, such as the genus Echinopsis and Echinocereus. The stem bark is varied, green, green is pseudo blue, or bluish gray. The waxy skin reduces evaporation.
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