New life.
Ive recently passed my high school and now I'm all settled in my new college life and hostel life. It's all crazy here with all the new shifting thingy but I'm fine, it's fine, everything definitely is fine. This taste of freedom and liberty to do anything alongside havin your own debit card and huge allowances. Damn this is getting on me as if a drug and I never thought I'd be so happy here and not at all homesick. This is definitely a first.
So here is my first post related to my hostel life showing this really beautiful sunset cause as beautiful a day rises it can end even more beautifully.
Hello @strokesandbrush , it's a very nice picture and very beautiful to be enjoyed, everyone would love to see it, blend of colors and nice light make the picture more amazing, do not forget to visit also my page, I also have some good pictures for you @wahyusaputra

I certainly will! Thank you for leaving a comment! :)
Enjoy the new experiences life has to offer. The Best to you!
Thank you so much. 😃
Ah to be young! Ahahaha. Just remember... if you can't afford to pay cash for it, you have no business buying it.
True that. Being on allowance I'm more into planning stuff and cutting out whatever is unnecessary. It's so far working amazingly and I'm having fun here. Hoping the coming four years treat me good.