Lonely Fence Line in Montana
This is a lonely fence line I found driving through Montana in the country on my way to Kalispell. It was very quite, say for the birds chirping and the sound of distant thunder. You could smell the rain off a ways on the horizon and the wind blew gently across the field, slowly waving the grass in long lines across the fields.
I truly enjoy the serene solitude that this portrays.
Hah, only found out rain on the background after minute staring at this stunnig shot.
what a lovely pic. Somewhere that you could sit, write and contemplate life! Beautiful! - Upvoted!
A little different, but would love your thoughts on one of my latest pieces :) (if you so wish)
great pics
Perfect, upvoted!
Wow those really are beautiful photos
Nice work dude
And are you really a pilot?
I really am LOL.... thanks for the kind words and I am glad you appreciate the images. Check this out if you wish to see how I do what I do: https://steemit.com/life/@skypilot/howdy-folks-i-am-back-after-months-of-work-on-the-expedition
They really do have big skies in Montana! Beautiful photos!
Amazing pics!
Whoaaa !! What a view >o<
Very nice! Those puffy clouds to the left tell me that its a good day for #paragliding. I am inspired.
LOL !!!! yehaw