📷 Shots From A Roll Of Redscale Film - 一卷反裝底片的照片系列
Redscale - Film Technique For That Vintage Look
反裝底片 - 拍出舊照片風格
Hello friends, yesterday I got back a roll of developed redscale film and here are some photos from that roll! Redscale is a technique in film photography where the film is exposed to the light from the "wrong" side, this drastically cuts the amount of light to the film so it requires longer exposure times. Over exposure by 2 to 6 stops is common in redscale photography, so a film with ISO sensitivity of 400 can be treated as ISO 100 down to ISO 6.25. The more over-exposed redscale film is, the more colors will show through, and the resulting image will become less red and more yellow.
These photos were shot with Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400 film.
朋友們大家好,昨天拿回一卷送洗的反裝底片,今天來跟各位分享照片!底片有分正反面,通常是利用塗有顯影乳劑的一面來曝光,而redscale 卻相反地利用片基(即底片的背面)去曝光,會照成曝光不足之現象。我使用反裝底片時習慣將底片過曝2至6格,比如說ISO 400的底片我會當成ISO 100至ISO 6.25來用。過曝越多,顔色越能穿透底片的背面塗層打到顯影乳劑層,而照片則會偏黃,過曝越少則會偏紅(紅光較容易穿透底片背面層)。
以下照片采用的底片是一卷Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400。
Equipment Used / 使用攝影器材
- Camera: Fed 3
- Lens: Industar-61 52mm f/2.8
- Film: Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400
- Software: Adobe Lightroom

Very professional and quality photos! Maybe you should make this kind of photos and sell them?
You are very kind @ironman80!
Wow! This technique is new to me, thanks for sharing @shieha! Awesome photos! I need to learn more about this, Upvoted, resteemed and followed.
Thank you so much!
Creative use of color-shifted film @shieha. Very nice warm look. Upvoted, resteemed & DPS.
nice........ one good keep it up
Very nice shot @shieha
Best place
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Great pictures!
Although exposed to the less light side, but a good picture as well ... have a nice day @shieha
Thank you @slempase :)
you are welcome @shieha , if you want please your visit my blog. I have new post
brilliant work man! i love these photos and as a fellow photographer i say kudos. nice work. following and resteeming for sure. cheers
Thanks so much for the support @jakehorn87, appreciate it!
No problem. really appreciate some good, technically sound photography. I like how you described how you made that capture. Its really helpful, and rare, that I learn somthing like that. Keep it up, I lke getting those nerdy technical details. cheers
Glad to share :)
好暖啊!! 現在這樣看得我都覺得好熱 XD