Hidden Treasures: Labradorite
The cool blue hidden fire of this rock astounds me.

For reference, this is what it looks like at all other times, except when the sun's rays ignite the fire within the rock:

I got this particular piece up in Estes Park, Colorado- a beautiful 30 minute jaunt from my home :).
That's magnificent, I wish I could find something like that around me lol
I have to admit, I got it at a rock shop! Labradorite is not native here, we are more of a sandstone and clay sort of place haha. However, we have the biggest Gem and Mineral and Fossil show in the country in September. I enjoy nerding out there every year haha. Colorado is a great place for finding fossils in the wild, however! Just have to know where to look.
Hahahaha! If you end up going there I'd love if you had some posts of what you saw! Stones like that make you remember how beautiful the earth can be, even in its most natural form.
Oh I will be innundating you with pictures, don't you worry! Haha. You're going to be tired of all rocks until next year when I once again saturate this site with awesome geo-nerdiness :).
If you're nice to me I will totally send you a rock or a fossil if you want, too ^_^.
I don't think I could get tired of that, and I'll be as nice as I can be ;)
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