I accidentally locked my friends out of their rooms without their clothes on!!!!! #4
On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 1:21 PM, race mcbride [email protected] wrote:
Week number two and it's been super awesome!!! I feel super great here and I've fallen into calling my dorm room home around other elders and they think it's a little weird. Everyone here is super awesome and friends are really easy to come by, I've met a person from back home in Oceanside or from efy (Especially For Youth) that I knew everyday this week making the transition super easy.

While I do enjoy it here and the food isn't half bad in the cafeteria...... Let's make a long story short I'm in desperate need of wet wipes and charmine!! Seriously this is a cry for help please send them ASAP!!! that aside everything is super rad, the teachers are amazing and spanish is starting to feel almost normal. My companion and district make fun of me because I've developed a habit of switching between the two and mixing them a lot of the time (for example i don't say but anymore instead I say pero and it trips them up). My district is super awesome and we are getting really close and always go to classes and meals a big group of good looking young missionaries.

The other day My companion and I were ready for breakfast just a little bit earlier than our friends and when I walked over to their room to tell them that we were going to head out for breakfast I was met with an empty room because everyone was in the showers at the same time. Not thinking much of it I just closed their door and then with the resounding click at the close it dawned on me..... I had sealed their fate. not even five minutes later there were four young men stranded in the hallway in nothing but towels and not a single one of them in possession of a key to unlock their room and get ready. I quickly fled the scene with my companion to the howling wails of angry elders trying to blame the closed door problem on someone who was no longer in the building! How they eventually got in I will never know the next time I saw them they were sprinting full speed into class ten minutes late panting like tired dogs. None of them thought it was super funny at the time but looking back at it four new kids stuck in the hallway of their dorms with nothing but towels all crying about how their door was closed is pretty funny after the fact.
Our first investigator turned out to be our new teacher in disguise, we didn't know it at the time but he was taking notes on how to better teach us...... we were all very un-ammused by this story. His name is brother Manwaring and he's super rad, his teaching is really engaging and he's been teaching us how to really sit down and prepare easy lessons that can turn into super rad spiritual experiences. After his class we were told we are going to start TRC's which is basically the same as before where we are assigned investigators and don't know if they're members or not..... from what they've told us it's about a 50/50 chance of getting an actual investigator!!!! all of us are a mix of nerves and excitement as this whole new process starts on monday.
I'm really happy to be out here learning about the restored gospel and with the opprotunity I have to share It with new people every day and for my testimony to grow in ways I never even knew it could!!! I know that this gospel is true, it's a gospel of eternal joy and blessings. I wish the best for everyone back home and love getting emails from you all can't wait to see what the next week will bring!!
P.S Halloween isn't really celebrated here by the MTC so in the dorm we are trying to put something together for everyone, everyone is asking for bags of candy and stuff to pass around and trade since we don't really get to go trick-or-treating. Also I'm going to be 19 soon and can only receive packages for the next 5 weeks im here in the MTC.

Oh and P.P.S I'd love some letters while I can get them before Argentina blocks all packages and letter of any kind!!
Elder Race Joshua McBride
I love you guys and I promise if you send anything it won't be opened until my B-Day
Thanks for sharing man hadto check if there was any mormon brothers on here glad there is !! following!