We finally received some needed rain, although for us it was a lot. We received around 7 centimeters of rain in 24 hours. Most of it came in an hour. I have lived in this area for over 38 years and this was a first time I experienced this here. I have lived in areas with tropical storms and this reminded me of them, except cold rain. It is probably best that I have yet to plant my garden. Containers I can move to protection.
It seems I always say I have a hectic schedule. I guess I have to except I always have a lot to do. I did take some time on Thursday and went on a road trip with my granddaughter. It was a great day spending it with her.
The above macro-photograph was taken of one of the flowers I potted for Mother's Day, for my wife. I will have additional photos of this flower in upcoming posts. I am also going to try and bring it into my plant room this Fall and try and keep it growing all winter. The label on the plant when I bought it indicated it was called a Blue Eyed Beauty African Daisy. I have another darker colored African Daisy I will share at a later time. I liked this photo so much it is the background on my desktop now.
This next photo is a closeup of another blossom on one of my apple trees:
I continue to obtain photographs of deer on my game camera (which I will share another here), but recently I got a photo of a coyote that was passing through:
This next photograph is a photo off a dock near my daughter's river get away property. It is the Pend Oreille River:
To close I will share one of my many favorite spring flowers, a Pansy. This one almost made it as the first photograph in my post, but the African Daisy was too unique to pass up.:
This brings us to a close of this weekend's posts. As always I trust each person will find something they enjoy and brightens their day. Below I have kept many of the links and information as I have used in previous posts, although have added extra links to help keep everyone informed. I hope you will check them out and offer support.
I would remind everyone that the issues in Venezuela are far from over. Here are a couple of links for programs in Venezuela that can still use our aid. I plan on adding them as partial beneficiaries to this post (it is not a lot, but every little bit adds up over time):
I continue to add each of these projects as beneficiaries to sharing in a portion of the earnings from my post. I am not sure if I added @theunion in my previous post but they are added as another beneficiary.!/@aid.venezuela/7kvlw6ot4 (Here is the link to their latest Fundition drive for Nutritional Screening)!/@aid.venezuela/30wfgrql0 (you can still donate to the food for life Fundition initiative) (Here is the latest update on this project) (the children seem to be really enjoying building their puppets)!/@arrozymangophoto/z31fxh41j (new Fundition program building off of first one) (An update on this project)
They are providing good documentation of what they are doing through video, photographs, and narrative). Please take the time and check them out.
There are two other programs located in Bangladesh that I have tried to support as well, and both can always use assistance. Each has an important role to play in their community. These programs were founded by @azizbd.
Check all their blogs for more information on the excellent work they have been doing.
There is another user ( that is trying to help Spanish speaking peoples in the Americas. If I am understanding correctly they will also support users who's first language is other than Spanish.
Here is a quote from their recent post:
The @theunion project was created to reward and contribute to the growth of steemit users, who publish 100% original content, helping us to have greater visibility on the platform, always using the slogan "The Union Makes the Force", whose base is mutual support When you click on the image, you will access the original publication, then the curated images will be presented on 14/05/19.
Check out their posts at, where they share several post within their post.
Both @theunion and those whose posts are presented would benefit from support.
I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. When I use my daughter's photos she is using the T6.

Con el favor de Dios todopoderoso así será @r2cornell. Como siempre nos muestras esas hermosas fotografias en tus publicaciones me encantarón la del lago y la del Coyote son geniales
Gracias. Me alegra que te haya gustado mi publicación.
Magnificent flowers. I just love both yellow ones!\ Grandpa
Thank you hon!
What a cool photo
Have a good weekend everybody
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! This one came out better than I anticipated.
Hello @r2cornell
Here it is summer and waiting for rainy season.
i like monsoon. after rain we can see greenery everywhere. i like that greenery. As usual post is tart with beautiful photograph of flower.
That makes this post perfect. Beautiful river awesome reflection in water. Nice photograph. Amazing post. thanks for share with us.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
The varieties on your posts makes it truly interesting. Thank you for sharing sir
Thank you very much. Glad you liked it.
That is wonderful flowers and great photography sir. its really look. thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much.
Beautiful flowers and wild life pics.
Thank you very much.
U have some amazing 4tos namasthe 🙏
Thank you very much.
colourful flowers, just awesome. thanks for share.
Thank you very much. Welcome to my blog post.
all these flowers are very good. I like the flowers first. I wonder how you took the photo? it looks really nice sir
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Thank you very much.