The above photograph is a Zinnia that was part of my photo collection from the gardens my daughter and I went to in July. I have many to choose from and liked how this one came out. I saved a rose for the next photo.
I liked how the lady bug did a cameo appearance.
I finally got a picture of a butterfly this year. I had never seen this species before. According to my butterfly book it is a "Mourning Cloak" butterfly. I met a young woman and her parents who are from Venezuela, and this young woman (@ kathe-art) has a gift with butterflies. When I say young I mean he recently graduated in the third grade). I have seen photos of them landing in the hand of "@ kathe-art". I wanted to be sure and share this photo in honor of @ kathe-art's abilities with the butterflies. Maybe it helps me make them stay still so I can take a picture. (I will also put this paragraph in Spanish for her).
Finalmente pude conseguir una fotografía de una mariposa este año. Nunca había visto esta especie antes. Según mi libro de mariposas es una mariposa "Mourning Cloak". Conocí a una joven y a sus padres que son de Venezuela, y esta joven (@kathe-art) tiene un don con las mariposas. Cuando digo joven me refiero a que se graduó recientemente en el tercer grado). He visto fotos de ellos aterrizando en la mano de"@kathe-art". Quería estar seguro y compartir esta foto en honor a las habilidades de @kathe-art con las mariposas. Tal vez me ayude a hacer que se queden quietos para que pueda tomar una foto. (También voy a poner este párrafo en español para ella). gracias
Her is a large patch of marigolds. They are sometimes also knows as Calendula flowers:
Next I wanted to share this wasp which is on one of my onion plants that is getting ready to set seeds. many people are not fond of wasp, but they are very good pollinators, which as a gardener I always need something to help with pollination. Wasps are also carnivorous, meaning they eat a lot of other bugs and help keep my garden free of insects that harm my plants.
I am not sure what flower this next one is, but I found its shape and colors fantastic. I was amazed when I downloaded my photos to my computer how some of the pestles were in the shape of little hearts. I think this is a wonderful photograph to end my post.
As always I hope you find at least one thing in my post that you enjoy.

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I am seeing more people using the neoxian and palnet tags in there posts, and now creativecoin. The first two are open to most posts, although creativecoin requires that there is some creativity involved in your post. I joined their discord channel and asked about my photography and it fits their requirements. Before using any of these or others as a tag be sure it fits the intent of the token. Using these when posting on steemit can help you earn money on the other three platforms, as well as steemit. If you vote on someone's post who uses these tags you probably already having earnings in respective wallets. If you have not done so, then look into those wallets and see. With the price of Steem being low the extra earnings can help a lot.
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Have a great weekend everybody
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much.
Wow just amazing photography. 🐝 Bee collect 🍯honey.
Great Timing. They do not sit on flowers for long time.Picking up the image in a short time is very amazing.
Today or tomorrow i will upload my river related sunset photography. I hope everyone will enjoy.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Zinnia looks really very beautiful!
I also want the butterflies to stay quiet to take pictures, the only ones I have seen quiet, unfortunately their wings were wounded ...
Calendula, as this flower is called here, is used medicinally for inflammations.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Thank your the information on Calendula
So many cool things happening in this post, @r2cornell.
First the Zinnia, one very common flower in my country, a lovely wild thing that comes in so many bright colors.
Second, the spanish writing. It feels great to read one's own language in someone one may consider foreign. It was a beautiful gesture. Makes people feel at home.
The butterfly itself looks magical. The flag seems to come out of its wings.
I loved the yellow rose. Not very common, but a lovely one. One of my favorite writer's favorite (Garcia Marquez). On top of that the flower came with an extra present. the cute little mariquitao the left. Perfect!
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Glad you liked the paragraph of Spanish writing. I wanted @kathe-art to easily read what I had to say without going to translator. I am learning to use one translator initially, and then running the translation through another back into English. Sometimes translations are not perfect, but I like to use them when I feel it is important.
It is and i think that whoever understand the importance of intercultural communication gains a lot from other cultures. Translators are not perfect, but are better that nothing.
That is one of the wonderful aspects of being involved with these social medium platforms; we get to learn so much about other peoples and their culture.
Ese es uno de los aspectos maravillosos de estar involucrado con estas plataformas de medios sociales; aprendemos mucho sobre otros pueblos y su cultura.
Hola señor @r2cornell, que hermosa es tu mariposa. Nunca he visto una mariposa de esas acá donde yo vivo. Me gusta que tú dedicaras esa foto para mi, gracias. yo te voy a mostrar más fotos de mariposas cuando vuelva a tomarles fotos.

También me gusta la fotografía de la rosa amarilla porque tiene una mariquita muy bonita, he atrapado muchas mariquitas, con ellas también tengo un don. Me gustan mucho, hay de diferentes colores y mis favoritas son las de color rojo con negro y las de color negro con dorado.
Muchísimas gracias. Me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado.
Algunas mariposas como la monarca emigran al sur durante los meses de invierno, pero no estoy seguro de ésta. Las mariquitas son maravillosas de tener alrededor porque mantienen nuestros jardines libres de algunos insectos no deseados. Además son muy guays de ver.
Espero ver más de tus mariposas.
Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed.
Some butterflies like the Monarch migrate south for winter months, but I am not sure about this one. Ladybugs are wonderful to have around because they keep our gardens clear of some unwanted bugs. Besides they are very cool to watch.
I look forward to seeing more of your butterflies.
Inside of the rose flower I see beauty insect living. Absolutely beautiful to see every shots.
Thank you very much.
Beneficial insects are damn cute and they are very delicate. I am sure you must have used some high quality lens to capture the lovely images of flowers and cute beneficial insects. During cold climate, you could find more bugs and insects. Once again a lovely blog of the weekend. Thanks you and wish you good health.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Hello sir @r2cornell, nice to meet you. many flowers that you display. what I like the most is Calendula. this flower looks very beautiful. and I like the wasps that you take. for people who have gardens, wasps are very helpful in being pollinators for flowers.
I am also grateful for those of you who provided information about Neoxian. at the moment I have 1k more power in my wallet. and will continue to add it. I say many thanks for your kindness. I hope your days are always fun.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Glad you started in with NEOXAG. You may also want to sign into and ...I am sure you will find some earnings there. If not now then when this post pays out.
Yes, Sir. now i am also multiplying power on planets and marlians. for creativecoin, I didn't start it. because writing there requires art. I can not do art.
Posted using Partiko Android
Great shoot sir
Thank you
I am fascinated by the nature's color and your photographic skills. How beautiful the nature is, most of the time we are not aware of that. But when I look at the pics uploaded by you, I can realize the beautiful nature around us.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!