The art of photography is your style of life

in #photography7 years ago

Photography is a modern way to express your inner world and show it to others. Due to the age of technological advancement and the possibility to carry a camera in your pocket, millions people take billions pictures. Most of them make “family photos” . I’d like talk and give some advices about photography to those who consider it as an art or as vocation, also about those who are passionate about this way of self-expression.

We can talk hours about the technical side of photography, what camera to choose? Whether additional devices are needed (light and a lot of other equipment)? While it costs a lot. But it’s a topic of another post, and for those who do it professionally. Today I’d like to talk to people making their first steps in this field. I can say with certainty that 80% of photo depends on you. Never forget about it! If you are a beginner and you don’t have opportunity to buy the whole case of equipments – don’t worry! A cheap digital SLR (single-lens reflex) camera or a good cell phone camera will be enough for beginners. I repeat, it’s you who take pictures not equipment.

Take pictures of anything you like. Even if others think it’s trite or not interesting. You are kind of an artist. You’ll get your own, unique style with time. Who knows, maybe you’ll become a famous photographer, and your works will be recognizable. The main thing is to look at the world from your point of view, not like majority. You can start to see a wonderful shot looking at a brick wall, a tree in the middle of a city, a lonely stranger. You can see something in the everyday life what others don’t even notice. I want you to be able to show others through your works, that commonness can be interesting.

One of my main advices is the need to reject constraint. Don’t be shy; don’t be afraid to take your camera out in public transport, in any case, if you’ve found a good shot. Don’t be afraid to take a picture of a charismatic passer-by, you probably won’t see him once again. Don’t miss any chance even if the result is not what you’ve expected from it. One day your shot can be one in a million! Another important point is the cause why beginners can quit photography. It’s criticism of photo quality or your talent. There’s always a person who tells you that it’s not yours and you’d better do something else, your works are not interesting and beautiful. Just ignore it. You don’t have to please everybody, as well as you works. If they differ from others it’ll be a marker of your uniqueness. Remember, that not everybody likes Picasso, but no one dares to say that he’s a bad artist. And you, you’ll find your audience.

The main thing is to create and don’t stop in front of difficulties. Be inimitable and individual! Just do it and enjoy yourself, keep taking pictures and you will succeed. I wish you good luck, as a photographer.
