Joined the Circus for a Day - Photo Shoot
I packed my bags and finally ran away to join the circus. In pictures, anyway. I got to transform into a sad little circus clown for the day to work with JC Strickland. JC and I have worked together for countless creative projects but I think these might be my favorite. You can find more of his work here.

We pretty much destroyed his studio for this. Hay was everywhere. And I mean everywhere. The circus tent you see was made from red and white plastic table cloths bought at the dollar store next door. And the fog was real, not made in post. That whole place smelled like fog machine juice.

The tightrope picture was an afterthought. We had already wrapped up the shoot and gone to grab lunch next door when I suddenly had an idea. JC was on board as usual and so we brainstormed on how to make me aerial. We finally decided to use two folding chairs to balance a two by four, one on each end. So I was really balancing and posing in the air, just not on a rope and not as high.

Doing the makeup for my clown look was challenging. I didn't want to look terrifying per se, but I did want to look sad and sweet with a touch of creepy. It took a while and a bit of adjusting, but I finally got it looking acceptable. I think the tones came out great on camera.

Fun fact: I'm a clumsy, bumbling oaf and shattered that lollipop as soon as I opened it. I had to tape it and glue it all back together, piece by piece. That was fun.

I hope you all enjoyed this set! It was definitely fun to shoot, and I want to revisit this idea one day. And since we're on the topic of circuses, please consider ceasing support of circuses that utilize animals in their acts. There are many fantastic and incredible circuses that don't exploit these beautiful creatures. You can learn more about the harsh circus conditions of our animals friends here. As always thank you all so much for checking out my post and keep your eyes peeled for the photo next set. Have a great day, everyone! Steem on.
(If you're new, you can click here for my verification post and here to see my most recent photo set.)
More awesome shots. I love the use of colours in these and fantastic expressions too:)
Thanks, Crypto! Yeah, I was actually worried my expressions would show through such heavy makeup. But I'm happy with how it all turned out.
They did show really well and you all did an excellent job:)
Really creative, Pseudopise. Do you plan to continue exactly circus set or will try another image?
SO CUTE !! i spent the last year and a half performing with a group called Billings Alternacirque, and it was SOO FUN! Love these pictures, they really capture the quirky-ness that comes with cirque! adorable :)
Great stuff, So Cool!