Modifying my Drone for 360 Interactive Video

I've recently been using the Ricoh Theta S to create interactive photo spheres for Fort Galt. Once those were finished, the next logical step seemed to be to affix it to my drone and take it up for a better view. There aren't any 360 video drones on the market yet and there aren't any commercially available attachment mechanisms for sale either so I had to figure it out for myself and just used what materials I had on hand. There are numerous sensors at different point on the drone's body so I couldn't obstruct them and I couldn't drill into the body either, since there are sensitive circuit boards just under the skin. The drone's integrated camera isn't removable either so I couldn't mount anything there either.

I flew up as high as it would go and sped around in circles a bit to see if it would shake off in the wind. It didn't. It came down smoothly and everything was still firmly in place. So we can call this one a success and tomorrow, I'll bring it up to the coast and do some more shooting at Fort Galt, confident that the camera won't end up lost in the rainforest or worse, the ocean.
As you can see in the footage, the Ricoh Theta S shoots much better stills than it does video. I'm a bit disappointed in the video resolution and I don't think I'll be using it often... but the stills look good and I can think of a lot of good practical uses for it so overall, I'm happy enough. Certainly no substitute for being there in person but hey, it's a step in the right direction.
Excellent. I had the same idea but I don't have a Theta S. Looks great!
i would use for spying the neighbors hahahahahahahahahah
Haha, if I saw one above my house, it would be for target practice.
Affordable, they say? lol
Pretty cool, but probably overkill for when it might happen, someday... maybe. ;)
Yeah, I gotta be careful to not look like a total creep with this thing. lol
are you going to use a GoPro camera?
No. The drone has a fantastic camera built-in already.
I want one!
Cool upvoted and followed
Cool! Upvoted!
Great ingenuity! Upvoted.
I feel like you could make a Myst game with that.
Awesome! I'll follow you for this one, in hopes to see more! :)