Wonderful arabian jasmine

in #photography4 months ago

Hello everyone. Welcome to my new blog. Today, I am here to share some of my photography with you. These photographs are very special to me, and I feel delighted to share them with you. Photography has become a passion for me, and as a result, I have turned into a photographer. I hope you will enjoy the photographs I am sharing today.




This small flower, known as Arabian Jasmine, is a type of fragrant white flower. Its other name is Mallika. The height of this species of plant can be up to one meter. Its young branches are hairy. The leaves are simple, oval-shaped, and 4-8 cm long. The leaves are dark green and smooth. During summer and rainy seasons, several flowers bloom in a cluster. There are several varieties of this flower based on its size and shape. This beautiful flower blooms in white among the bright green leaves.