My Fotoart #2

These were my next experiments in photo art, trying different techniques and combinations of filters. As you can see, or not :), I'm looking for something that will work with the photo, a complement to what's already interesting. Although, sometimes a not so great photo would come alive thanks to the manipulation. If they seem little monotonous, it's because I'm presenting these in chronological order, and often they would come from the same photoshoot . Also, be sure to click on the image to see it in full glory. Most of my work is better when it's big, so if you're looking at this through a mobile device, you suck :D. Photography should never be looked at on mobile "prisons", most of the time I throw my photos on 60" monitor to present them. And even then I wish I could throw it on 80" or even 100"
Quite amazing work!
Thanks, I"m glad you like it. It's always nice to be appreciated and know that someone out there likes my stuff
The first photo of your art are my favorite combination of colors.
You mean on this post, or the first on with the red colours? Either or, I'm happy that I captured your favourite combination. It's amazing how different minds can find similar combinations favourable.
The green swirls
Cool. I think it really goes together with the red one from my first #fotoart post