I got the chance to watch a few wild animals at some feeders today.
Since the camera that I'm giving away is still very new to me, I'm still figuring things out. I'll be happy to get my replacement, and happy to give this one away, but for now, I'm really enjoying having it. I've never owned a DSLR camera before, and it has been a blast using it. Hopefully when another steemian wins it, they can put it to some good use.
Anyway, I enjoyed zooming in to take some photos of a male Cardinal and some Grey Squirrels today, so here are a few of my favorite photos.
This male Cardinal sat upon this feeder the whole time that I was there. A female joined him for a bit, and a few Chickadees, but I didn't manage to get any shots taken quickly enough. Considering the distance that he was from me, I am happy with the shots.
The playful squirrels in these photos were a few of about a half dozen that were running around. They had already stripped the dried corn kernels off of the cobs, but they kept checking them anyway. The rest just searched the ground for any that may have been missed.
Until next time…
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Gosh!!!!! You are a very smart photographer!!!!! Love your work! I mean how do you take such closer captures of the animals without driving them away?Is it a some sort of art or a technique?
To get a shot like this:
Sometimes you have to do this:
Here is a how to video:
Oh thank you. I will look into it.Thanks a lot
I haven't been able to watch this with sound yet, but that is crazy how you handled that snake! One thing I don't miss about the foothills of California are the rattlesnakes! Looking forward to seeing what you'll be doing with your new camera!
California rattlesnakes sound so nice! Hopefully one day I can check them out.
I think they're amazing creatures, but we had a neighbor who was a very experienced outdoorsman and he literally stepped out his door one day and the rattler was right there-struck him twice before he could react. He spent 3 days in the hospital. I have a healthy respect for that kind of power.
Yu weren't scared!!!
Your really a talented photographer !!!!
Going that close to a snake...
very cool!
Let me reserve my words and just say
Oh Wow! Your confidence and composure around these creatures is really amazing! To even try to change the location and stage the shot a bit, is incredible...I swear I almost dropped my plate of food when the snake eluded your first attempt to pick it up...that's how scared I was. Did I hear you say 'chicken'? lol
This shot with the snake needs a brave heart like yours to take, well i guess you enjoyed
scared ))
No! Please stop!!! AHHH!!! O.o Try photographing through binoculars!!! I explain it all here!!!
WTF?!? Plus you look like the crocodile hunter! 😂 😂 😂
Great photos, love squirrels...
Some nice pictures especially the bird , unfortunately here in the uk we don’t get the red cardinal, you might just like my latest post about me making a nestbox . Cheers mike
Nice photos, followed for future posts sir. Keep up the good work.
Such great pictures. I'm stunned how beautiful those are.
They really are beautiful! Thanks!
Hey, your photos are incredible and those birds look quite innocent and cute. I love the way you have presented natural beauty. Bravo..!
Excelentes disparos y precisión, saludos
I’m hoping that camera is coming my way. It’s very nice of you, doing this contest.
It just might be!
Extraordinary. You have amazing photos. Surely you need some time to photograph the moment of a red bird and the squirrel. Is that right? @papa-pepper
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@papa-pepper, What a magnificent photo of squirrels and birds. Proteins also live in our parts, but I have never seen such a bird!