Rabbits come in so many amazing colors!
It is amazing to me the variety that can come from breeding rabbits. This one, although it may look wild, is a fully domesticated one. Somehow breeding black, gray and white ones produced this offspring, which is a beautiful rabbit indeed. Moving forward we plan on trying to breed some interesting colors and patterns, and document what happens when we breed certain combinations. For now, I just wanted to share some photos of a few of my favorites with you, starting with this natural colored doe.
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Until next time…
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thx for sharing
Gotta love the bunnies.
My brother bred rabbits when we were younger. Got some occasional unusual results as well. It’s interesting to see.
I don’t know if you grew up this way as a child but hope you know what you are doing for your little Peppers by giving them the life you are giving them. 😊 I think every kid needs to experience “farm life” at least once before their childhood is over. See something born and experience different animal life. It adds to a child’s life. I grew up that way but my kids are not. They got to stay on a small farm for two days last month and I loved seeing the effect it had on them. This kind of stuff is magical for them.
Thank you for all the encouragement in our parenting! It means a lot.
It's neat to see!
Post a very useful success @ papa-pepper
help Upvote @bustamam
Beautiful post
For some reason, I'm over here laughing out loud. After all the careful breeding to instill certain traits. What we have here, is what we started with (though more meaty) and that has me cracking up. Then again, I'm easily amused.
I thought the same thing! I that original wild rabbit lurking just below the surface?
wow @papa-pepper has a rabbit too, you're really amazing almost all hewen there the same @papa-pepper.
i vote and resteem
so funny rabbits @papa-pepper i like it
do not you understand my situation.
Actually I don't. Don't you love rabbits?
In terms of the production of meat, leather, and compost they are very efficient herbivores
I like.
I always follow @ papa-pepper. but @ papa-pepper rarely follow me why
You have just over 300 followers, I have over 10000.... How do you suggest that I upvote them? 1% per post for everyone?
I do not always see the blog's of others, but when I do, I like to enjoy them and upvote. If you prefer I can unfollow you and not vote for any of your posts anymore... But I would prefer not to do that.
What would you suggest? If you want to complain every day that I do not upvote your posts, you will be doing a lot of complaining in the future...
I do not ask every day every day but I ask you to go to my blog once a week is enough
I suspect papa-pepper does what he can when he can. Its hard to keep up with everything, but if you keep leaving valuable, witty, interesting or glamourous comments I bet he will reply before you know it!
True story.
Hey you made a post about this!
The rabbit is very cute. I plan to keep a rabbit at home. I will make a spacious enclosure, so he is free to move and feels wild life. Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper