Well steemians, it looks like I am not the only one who enjoys this contest.
I’ve really been enjoying all of your photos, and the adventures behind the shots too! Being someone who really enjoys plants and animals, it is great to see so many photographs of plants and animals together, in some combination photography!
Before I get into who won the contest last week, I’ll once again review what I am looking for by featuring some new photos of mine.
When I say “combination photography” I mean that you should combine two elements; plants and animals. At least one plant and at least one animal should be featured in your photo. Here are two examples using caterpillars.
Besides simply providing the images, I also require that those entering this contest provide a proof photo as well. Two main versions of proof photos exist. One kind features the same combination of plants & animals with a written paper in the photo with your username, the date, contest name, etc. to prove that you took the photo for the contest.
The other type of proof is just a selfie with the animal and plant. Here are my examples for the photos featured above.
Once you see the proof photos there should not be any doubt in your mind that I actually took the photos I shared above, because you can see me right there! The written proof works in the same way.
There were so many excellent entries once again that I struggled to make the decisions, but in the end I had to, didn’t I? The Winner gets 50% of the liquid post payout from the Week Two Post and the two runner ups each get 12.5% of the same.

There were many, many more great entries, and I am blessed to have seen them all. Although the official way to enter this contest is by including your entry photo and the proof photo in a reply to my post, I strongly encourage others to make an actual post featuring their entry as well. Sometimes people who don’t win get paid more for their post than if they had actually won!
By now you should have a clue about what this contest is and how to enter, but here are the official rules just to make sure. Enjoy, and I am looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.
- Photo entries must be placed in the reply/comment section of this post.
- Submissions may also be made into posts, but it is not necessary.
- A proof photo will also be required. This can be in the form of a selfie with the subjects from the photos or in the form of your username written on a piece of paper in a photo, etc. Basically, you must prove the originality of your work. Therefore, your entry comment should include two photos.
- Users have between now and the time of the post payout to enter this contest.
- I will personally select one winner to award half of the liquid SBD payout from this post to and two runner ups who will each get 25% of the same.
- Enter as many times as you like!
- Depending on the interest in this contest, I may have it be ongoing.
If you reply to this post with a photo of a plant and animal together and include a proof photo before the post payout from this post, you may win a portion of the post payout.
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Huge congratulations to the winners. Amazing photos! Thanks for having this competition @papa-pepper.
Wow these ugly caterpillars gives me the hope that someday and I will become something beautiful 😂
Good attitude!
So this is the first combination I have found during a quick forage in the garden especially for this weeks contest. My raspberry canes are covered in these shield bugs - feasting on the last few raspberries that I've neglected to pick. Mysteriously tricky to get into focus but beautiful wings, shining gold in the bright sun.

...and happy enough to sit on my nose for verification.

No fair! You set the bar too high!!!! XP'
That golden spot is so neat!
naaa - I don't think they are great photos really but just sharing for fun and to support an ace contest. The gold is groovy though isn't it? We've home educated our children for the last 3 years. They're about to start a new adventure at a Steiner school but I think we're always going to be home educators at heart.
Here's my entry for this round. Snail on Lemon Leaves.
That's delightful! I love snails :)
Thanks @monkeygentle
So cool!
Thanks @ellicia
this is something that is full of eye foresight and patience to take this moment is perfect
Here's my second entry for this round. Caterpillar on The Lemon Leaves.
Check this post
I am really excited to share what I captured today. We traveled to a little town called Middletown, Indiana. I wanted to get photos of the creek at the park and the buildings downtown. As we were driving in I saw this house with the most beautiful flowers, I was taking photos of some of them from the sidewalk when the owner of the home came out and is a photographer too and invited me on her property and showed me some of her creatures, that I am proud to enter into this contest. I hope you enjoy my entries.
I know in my close up the plants the spider has it's web on disappears I hope that doesn't disqualify the entry, but if it does I have a back up entry
Awesome spider and seriously weird and cool web!
thank you very much. I thought it was kind of weird but cool too
This is my last entry for this round..

Hola papa-pepper aqui va mi segunda entrada.
Foto de prueba
Here i come again @papa-pepper,a lonely caterpillar on glory tree flower!