Nature Is Beautiful
Today I want to share with you some photos of the nature in Alberta, Canada.
They were taken at different locations and at the different time. You might find them interesting, especially at the time when winter is coming our way.
A perfect set up.
Poisonous, unfortunately.
Maybe he was thinking that he's invisible.
A penny for his thoughts.
Deep in the woods.
On the edge.
King of the road.
I really hope you liked them.
Take care
I'm very busy lately and I can't find enough time to answer to your comments. I read them all and I really appreciate that.
Soon will be better; at least I'm working on that issue.
wow super post.
Beautiful! I've got to spend more time out West. Thanks for sharing these photos.
lovely photos of a lovely places,
Great work @oldtimer
Thank you for share this amazing pictures with us from alberta dear, and do not worry we understand some times answer the all comment it is very dificult but yes always read the coment.
Sorry for the poisonous mushroom would be a great source for food.
Best regard @galberto
By the way this beautiful car live very great.
king of road is nice :D just thinking of meeting him at night is giving me chills
Wild West!

Such idyllic shots; mushrooms, deer, butterfly. Then wild horses and wild bison heading right at you... ha ha! You lead quite an interesting life up there.
Great photos @oldtimer. Those mushrooms are picture perfect!
The mushroom looks kind of like a hamburger bun
Thanks for sharing.. Canada is still on a very long to see list :) Everything is so far away from Australia so I reckon I need a good couple of months to start to get a feel for it