Entry for @deliberator weekly competition
So as a relative newbie (had account for a while but only now gearing up to being really active) this is a good competition to start and get to meet some of the community I think!
This is my image;

This is not strictly from where I live right now (Spain), but this is where I lived 3 weeks ago (the UK). Part of me is still there though and this was a park very near the house I lived in for 17 years. As moving day approached I was trying to soak it all in, to appreciate all the wonderful things about the place before I left, and very early one morning I came across this scene. The morning light was shining from behind, it was bitterly cold and the leaves had this amazing vivid colour. I was convinced I was seeing it with 'rose tinted glasses', but now that I look at it again I must say, it indeed was a beautiful sight. But I also like the black fence in front because it represented well the way I felt about the current situation being an EU national in Brexit Britain... All that I loved about the place was soon going to be inaccesible to me (and millions of others) simply because I was not born there.
Hope you like it.
From an ex brit,living in Poland, fear not my friend, home is where you make it.
Hi @deliberator. Thanks for the gentle reminder. I keep repeating that in my head. Alas it is early days and it will take time to settle. We'll get there though.
I lived in Southern Spain for 6 months, before coming to Poland, in Andulusia (I hope I spelt that correct?) and was amazed how the shops closed in the middle of the day, how little cars there were on the road, and the massive amount of empty houses/apartments, where did everyone go?
Oh yes, had to get used to everything closing at 5, that was almost 20 yrs ago. Now getting used again to siesta time... Though not quite as difficult since the massive shops stay open. I wonder what would happen if they forced them to stay open?
Looks like you left a bit early my friend http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-brexit-eu-citizens-transition-period-uk-prime-minister-red-lines-trade-deal-a8233021.html
Oh @deliberator! My reasons for leaving go way deeper than that. For the last 2 yes I have received verbal abuse from patients and random people for being foreign. Whatever May says now she is hell bent on curtailing the rights of EU nationals, like family reunification, and God knows what will happen once ECJ oversight finishes. My husband would have lost FoM either way... Children are being bullied, beaten up and even stabbed by other children for being foreign, the shops of eastern Europeans are being torched... The list is endless. But more than anything I refused to be treated like a less deserving human being because of my nationality after all I gave that country for 18 years. I will write about it. Check my blog now and then if you're at all interested....
I am very interested, may I ask was it London you were staying in? I will also write a post from my view of the whole mess and why people were angry in the first place, and I can assure you it was never anger against Europeans.
I was in Norfolk. And while I understand at the bottom of it there were many issues related to neoliberalism, increased inequality, worsening standards of living, dropping wages, worse jobs, disconnected political establishment, etc. the right wing press made it about immigration and the narrative permeated to Joe public. Believe, the anti immigrant sentiment is there. I lived it in my own skin. And the crimes against eastern Europeans has been the worst. An MP was assassinated! It is heartbreaking to see such a great nation that was an example of fairness and tolerance stoop so low. From the people in power all the way down to even some of the people I called friends...