Crunchy Lunch

in #photography7 years ago

Here are a few shots I managed to take of one of the spreadwings (Lestidae), pantserjuffers in Dutch, having a hearty meal.

The meal itself was beyond identification, but it sounded crunchy, and took about a minute to eat.

Olympus Stylus 1s, 300mm, ISO200, f5.6, 1/160s

Olympus Stylus 1s, 300mm, ISO200, f5.6, 1/160s

Olympus Stylus 1s, 300mm, ISO200, f8, 1/80s

Olympus Stylus 1s, 300mm, ISO200, f8, 1/80s

Do you still think they are cute?

Thanks for watching!


When I read "pantserjuffer" I imagine something like this:

p.s. Wait a minute. "Juffer" means maiden? As in "Armored Maiden"? This is the coolest nickname ever! Also good for an anime series. Or even a music band's name! I call dibs on it! :D

"Pantser" is "armour" in Dutch, not "tank", and "juffer" is "maiden" or "young woman". Don't take your fantasy too far 8-).

Ah, but zie Germans use "panzer" (which I believe still means "armor") to reference their armored vehicles, hence my association with tanks.

What could be cooler than an armored maiden? :D

Very nice and interesting too. I have seen damselflies that hold their wings out a bit like that but did not know the family Lestidae were known as Spreadwings.

It's what sets them apart from the other damselflies. They sometimes almost sit like dragonflies.

Really pretty. I really like. You are good at photography. Bravo

It's interesting to see a damselfly with wings spread out.

Wow again something from you which is fabulous...:)


Of course they're cute. And they color steemit :)

Cool looking creature

i like your photo my friend

Glad you like it!

stunning detail and love the colors in this one

Have a great Tuesday