Hi Steemian, this night i will share some photos of Blue Water Lily
I found this gorgeous flower when i visit one of Vihara in Berastagi City, North sumatra, Indonesia. This floweris is know to be named Nymphaea Caerulea in Latin. it has unique character. This flower will bloom in the morning and will return buds in the afternoon

It's Love at the First Sight

My moodbooster

All Photos are taken by me using old camera Nikon D5000
I Hope You Enjoy it
Such an AESTETIC shot
Thank you :)
beautiful color!
Thank you :)
Keren fotonya
Terimakasih abang ganteng 😂
Waw.... bunga yang indah ya kak.
Ini saya yang berada di dalam komentar kakak di postingan @paulag. Oya kak @nonginna itu postingan untuk kontes atau bagai mana sih. Terimakash kak... senang bertemu dengan mu.
Waw .... beautiful flowers.
Here I am, in the comments of my brother in the post @paulag. By the way sis @nonginna, this is a contest posting or something like that. Thank you Sis ... nice to meet you
Posted using Partiko Android
Wah, terimakasih bang. Salam kenal ya. Saya cuma share aja, ga ikut kontes apapun hehehe
Saya kira untuk ikut kontes.