Elder Woman
Hi Guys,
This photo was taken in Hội An during my last trip in Vietnam.
She has a special story because this old lady was a beggar and was in need.
I loved the features on his face that tell a past story. I offered him some money against a single picture of her. I thinked it's a good deal for to captur this portrait in the time. So, she accepted my offer and that's what it gave!
After that, I take one coffee next to her and I saw a lot of tourists photograph it without an exchange, like an animal in a zoo ... I was horrified because the old lady was asked charity as these tourists laughed and continued their way without looking back ...
Thành Phố Hội an, Quangnam, Viêt Nam
Olympus E-M10MarkII
OLYMPUS M.14-150mm F4.0-5.6 II
Focal 63.0 mm
Exposure time 1/30
Iso 1000
Great picture! I like it 👍

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