Rare Photos From History Featuring Death
My favorites.

"Even today, almost a century later, the Euphrates River is filled with the bones of dead Armenians."

"So, basically, it was unseen in the US. In the UK it was published by the London Observer and I was actually going through Heathrow and I picked up the newspapers and I saw it was quite big, and that was basically the scene I thought I was going to see in all the newspapers around the world, since everybody had access to the image. It caused quite a controversy in London, which is what images like that are meant to do. They’re meant to basically cause a debate in the public: 'Is this something we want to be involved in?' How can you decide to have a war if you are not fully informed?"
"The Most Beautiful Suicide" (1947)
Evenlyn McHale committed suicide on May 12th, 1947 by leaping from the 86th floor observatory deck of the Empire State Building and landing on a United Nations limousine. The photo, snapped about 4 minutes after the fall by photography student Robert C. Wiles, was published in Life Magazine with the caption:
“At the bottom of the Empire State Building the body of Evelyn McHale reposes calmly in grotesque bier, her falling body punched into the top of a car."
What's fascinating about this photo is that McHale fell from the top of a building into a vehicle and yet her body seems to remain intact, without trauma, and her clothes and accessories undisturbed. The truth was far from what it seemed, as she reportedly "fell apart" as they removed her body. Her suicide photo would go down as iconic and was titled, "The Most Beautiful Suicide." Ironically, Evelyn wrote a suicide note that stated:
“I don’t want anyone in or out of my family to see any part of me. Could you destroy my body by cremation? I beg of you and my family – don’t have any service for me or remembrance for me."
Definitely fascinating... Definitely disturbing... Thanks for posting!
shocking ! crazy stuff.