While watering my marigolds today, I stumbled upon some weird creatures! These bright orange, spidery ant bodies were crawling on my marigold plants.
I had to get a closer look at them, so I zoomed in with my camera so I could see them better.

They were bigger than the tiny ants you commonly see but not too much bigger.

As you can see, the antennae are very long - much longer than most ants. And there is a bowtie shape along its back. After looking at them for a few minutes, I still don't have the slightest idea what they are! All I know is, they like my marigolds =)

Any idea what this could be?

If you've ever seen one of these or know what it is, please let me know! As always, if you liked this post please upvote, comment, and follow:)
Wonderful creature! As they say, if you plant they will come. You just never know who's they : )
I was just amazed by it's bright orange color =)
Thank u @skysunil1!
Thank you @alfi.yusuf!
beutiful picture..
be careful they might be the big fire ants.
Lol, I must be brave, I had my hand right next to them trying to coax them onto the flowers.