This rickshaw is used for transporting people.

in #photography2 days ago

Assalamu Alaikum,

I hope all of you are doing very well. Alhamdulillah, I am also doing great by the grace of your prayers. Today, I am going to share with you some of the best photography. I hope you will really like these photographs. If you find them beautiful, please leave a comment below and support me, so that I feel encouraged to write more blogs. Let’s get started with my photography blog.




Auto rickshaw is a vehicle used to carry passengers. The driver sits in the front and controls the vehicle. Two people can sit beside the driver, and four people can sit in the back. These vehicles are widely used in both cities and rural areas, making transportation easier for people.
It is a three-wheeled vehicle with a handle similar to that of a motorcycle. This vehicle does not run on fuel; instead, it runs on electric charge.

The drivers run this vehicle on the road all day and recharge it at night. After a full charge, the vehicle can run for up to three days.
The vehicle has a pickup system and a braking system. It has three wheels—one in the front and two at the back. The vehicle is also nicely covered on top, so people can travel comfortably even in rain or sun. This vehicle allows people to travel with ease and comfort.