Small fish are very tasty to eat fried.

in #photographyyesterday

Assalamu Alaikum,

I hope all of you are doing very well. Alhamdulillah, I am also doing great by the grace of your prayers. Today, I am going to share with you some of the best photography. I hope you will really like these photographs. If you find them beautiful, please leave a comment below and support me, so that I feel encouraged to write more blogs. Let’s get started with my photography blog.




Small fish are not commonly available in the market, but this evening when I went to the market, I noticed that small fish had been brought in by the sellers. Many people were gathering around to buy these fish because small fish are a favorite for many, and they are not always available. Seeing the crowd, I walked closer to see what type of fish they had brought. Upon reaching, I saw that they had indeed brought small fish, which are rarely seen in the market. Since it was after a long time that small fish were available, people were rushing to get them.

These small fish are very tasty when fried, especially when fried with potatoes. It makes a delicious and flavorful dish. The fish are quite nutritious and become even more delightful and appetizing when cooked. The seller had the fish neatly arranged in baskets, and people were taking as many as they needed, with the seller providing the quantities accordingly.