An areas end boundary
Assalamu Alaikum,
I hope all of you are doing very well. Alhamdulillah, I am also doing great by the grace of your prayers. Today, I am going to share with you some of the best photography. I hope you will really like these photographs. If you find them beautiful, please leave a comment below and support me, so that I feel encouraged to write more blogs. Let’s get started with my photography blog.
This is a boundary marker placed at the edge of one area where another area begins. These poles or signboards are installed between the two areas to indicate the transition from one to another. When you enter a new area, you are welcomed with a signboard stating that you are now entering a different region.
This particular signboard is quite old, and the previous writings on it have faded. Nowadays, new signboards are designed in a more updated way, with clear and vibrant colors that are easy to read. Since this one is old, its writings have worn off over time.
While passing by this road, I noticed this signboard and stopped to take a closer look. At first, I was unsure what it was, but then I realized it was the same type of boundary marker placed at the edge of an area. Now, these signboards are being made in a more modern and visually appealing way. However, this old signboard remains as a relic of the past, showing signs of aging and wear.