The other things you see on the Campaign Trail.

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

The things you see when you travel your own neighbourhood

As you might know, Australia recently had an election, during which I spent a fair bit of time touring the state. The grind of non-stop campaigning can be rough, but there are some refreshing moments when you see or experience some nice non-political things that are worth sharing.

Here are some of the more interesting things I saw along the way:

This legend. (Launceston Museum and Art Gallery)

I'm sure a joke could be made about political promises here.... (Launceston Museum and Art Gallery)

Can't remember exactly what culture this is from, other than its from the pacific region. Apparently its worth over a million dollars though, and its part of the private collection, so only a handful of people see it. (Launceston Museum and Art Gallery)

Apparently the oldest combustion motor of its type in the southern hemisphere. One of the first gas driven water pumps made. They are planning on reconditioning it for display, I think they were talking about actually trying to get it working as a functional display. (Launceston Museum and Art Gallery)

The coolest letterbox in the world. Turbocharger and all.

I made a friend! A nice change after all the hate I got that day for putting "Informative electoral material" in peoples letterboxes!

So there you have it. Elections don't have to be all toupees and promises, there are some interesting things to see along the way.

If people enjoyed these, i'm sure i have more somewhere.


Cool pictures, I like the witty input most though, and I LOVE birds! Especially colorful ones. How cool that it came to sit with you and you got to share this moment and break bread with one after such an interesting day :]

Yeah the bird was great. There were 3 or 4 others but they were all too scared to come close. This little didn't care at all. Popped up right next to us and would coo at us to get attention so we would feed it.