A cheap effective tripod I made.
Fist I used a squeeze clamp and put a bolt with some jam nuts on it to keep in in place through the bar end of a squeeze clamp.
Small camera tripods are 1/4" 20 tpi
large are 3/8" 16 tpi
Use a spin knob of the same thread to hold your yaw in place.
Once it's spun on you use the twist nut to set it where you need, then just clamp it where you need it. Putting it on a chair or something mobile helps and up and down you just fiddle and pitch the clamp.
As such.
You basically got unlimited motion on all axis with quick set up nearly anywhere you can clamp the thing, or you can bring something that's mobile yet sturdy enough to hold it.
It adjusts quickly most of the time without having to loosen or re tighten the clamp. Some times you do most you don't.
You remind me of Inspector Gadget. It is nice of you to share your creations.
That's a neat idea. I can see some uses for it
The greatest thing is it's flexible and doesn't take up 15 ftsq of floor space.
Nice, I've made something similar in the past to mount a tripod head to a clamp, love a bit of out of the box thinking. Thanks for sharing
The important take away is the bolt and thread sizes once you know them you can do all kinds of stuff with making your own tripod.
Nice picture! 👍

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